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PD abbr.
abbr. Planned Development; Professional Development; Partial Deduction; Peptide Dose; Peripheral Device (Vosoni); Plug & Display (standard, LCD, VESA); Point Detonation (Fuse); Positive Deployment (Exercise Name); Process Development (vasilymedvedev); Project Directorate (SEIC ABelonogov); pick up and delivery; position doubtful; preliminary data; privat-docent; pickup and delivery (Vosoni); pivoted door; punch die; pan down; proton density (coltuclu); picture descriptor; propagation delay; p-phenylenediamine; point detonating (fuze); prime driver; proportional plus derivative; parental ditype; plasma desorption; Police Department
abbr., auto. pending code; photo-diode; price-difference; pumpe-Düse; pedestrian detection
abbr., automat. pitch diameter
abbr., avia. point of departure; pilot deviation; period; pre-module drawing; price discrimination; product definition; product development; protect device; profile descent; program directives; purchased document; passive defense; patent document; phase delay; pierce die; place distance; planning data; pneumatic drill; process deviation; power detector; primary display; principle diagram; procurement drawing; production document; profile drag; program department; program document; purchase document
abbr., busin. Port Dues; port of destination; post-dated bill; postage due; port duties; Port Director; procurement demand; programs director
abbr., chem. phenyldichlorarsine; polymerization degree
abbr., chem., scient. Palladium
abbr., commun. proportional/derivative (Метран)
abbr., comp., net. phase-change dual; phase-dual; polarization diversity
abbr., dentist. clinical probing depth (MichaelBurov); probing depth (MichaelBurov)
abbr., dialys. peritoneal dialysis
abbr., drw. proportional distributor
abbr., earth.sc. partial duration (Series Method); particle detector; photogrammetry division; plant density; position determination; predicting date; primary dune; principal direction technique; probability distribution; programmable decommutator; proportional-derivative; proportional diffusivity; pulse diversity; pulse length; pulse Doppler radar; purge and drain system
abbr., EBRD Procurement Department
abbr., econ. Probability of default (OLGA P.)
abbr., el. public domain (software); pacing deadlock; packaging density; packet delay; packet demultiplexer; packet disassembly; panel display; parent directory; partially depleted; participatory design; PC disc; PCR disc drive; peak detector; performance degradation; phase detection mode; phase discriminator; photodetector; photodetector diode; photothermal deflection; pilot detector; planar-doped; plasma deposited; plasma deposition; plastic deformation; pointing data; pointing device; polarity detector; polarization dispersion; polarization division; pollable device; polydispersity; polysilicon gate depletion (effect); position dialing; power dissipation; power down; precipitate depletion zone; preferential doping technique; printer driver; private data; problem definer; process diagram; process driven; processing damage (instruction); professional digital; program decoder; project documentation; proportional-derivative control; proportional-differential control; proton diffusion; pulse distribution; pumping device; phase change disk; pulse Doppler (radar)
abbr., el., scient. Power Density
abbr., electr.eng. partial discharge; power divider; periodic duty
abbr., file.ext. Performance Data
abbr., geophys. potential device
abbr., insur. physical damage; Polar distance
abbr., IT process database; page directory; public domain; pulse driver; Phase Distortion
abbr., law Permanent Disability; Property Damage; Public defender (Val_Ships)
abbr., life.sc. Parkinson's disease; Parkinsons disease
abbr., Makarov. physical development
abbr., med. Peritoneal Dialysis; Parkinson disease; protein D (ННатальЯ); primary diagnosis (Ying); postactivation depression (iwona); parkinsonism (iwona); Parkinson desease (iwona); polydatin (a small natural compound from Polygonum cuspidatum ННатальЯ); Doctor of Pharmacy; paralytic dose; parasitic disease; Parkinsonism dementia; pathogenecity for dog; peritoneal dialyser; pressor dose; problem of drinker; psychopathic deviate; pupillary difference; pyrimidine degrading
abbr., med.appl. Power Doppler (УЗИ harser); pancreatic duct (vlad-and-slav)
abbr., media. Publication Date
abbr., microel. photodiode (фотодиод Wiana)
abbr., mil. Per Diem; Process Data; Pulse Duration; position description; Presidential directive; priority designator; probability of damage; probability of detection; procedures description; program definition; program directive; program director; public diplomacy
abbr., mil., air.def. plane display; probabilities of detection; phase detection
abbr., mil., avia. packaging density
abbr., nautic., scient. Position Description
abbr., O&G, sakh. purchase department
abbr., oil plug down; proved & developed (andrushin); total pressure drop in annulus; proposed depth; pump displacement; geopressure development failure; paid; paraffin dispersant; partial delivery; patent documentation; percent deviation; permanent datum; phase difference; physical distribution; polarization diagrams; polycrystalline diamond; positive displacement; post-dated; postal district; potential differences; predictive deconvolution; preliminary design; preliminary determination; preliminary drawing; present depth; pressed distillate; pressure differential (difference); pressure drop; pressure-depth (plots); probability density; prodelta; production design; program directory; proportional derivative; propylene dichloride; published document; pull down; pulley drive; pulsation dampener; pump down; pump's pumper's depth
abbr., oncol. Progressive Disease; progressive disease (Ying)
abbr., oncol., med. Progressive disease
abbr., ophtalm. pupillary distance (Баян)
abbr., opt. perfect diffuser; prism diopter (Игорь_2006)
abbr., org.chem. phthalide (igisheva)
abbr., physiol. Partial Denture
abbr., physiol., med. Personality Disorder
abbr., police Police Department US city police (Val_Ships)
abbr., polym. pressure distillate; privileged direction
abbr., progr. port driver (ssn)
abbr., scient. Project Director
abbr., scottish Passive Defence; Phenyldichloroarsine (Chemical warfare blister agent); Pre-digital; Principal Directorate (UK); Pulse-Doppler (radar)
abbr., semicond. photoelectron diffraction
abbr., soil. podzoluvisol
abbr., soviet. political department (igisheva); political division (igisheva)
abbr., space photoelectric detection; photoelectromagnetic detector; photosensitive detector; plasma display; point detonating (projectile); power-doubler; predicted data; procurement document
abbr., subm. periscope depth (перископная глубина Val_Ships)
abbr., tech. possible damage; pressure difference (fa158); potential drop
abbr., telecom. protocol discriminator (ssn); Packet Data; physical delivery
abbr., textile port discharge; preferential duties
abbr., uncom. penitentiary department (igisheva); prison department (igisheva)
abbr., vet.med., med. Potential Difference
energ.ind., abbr. percent differences; power driven; project definition; project design
mil., abbr. paralyzing dose; passive detection; patrol duty; pay day; per diem; performance demonstration; personnel data; personnel department; personnel division; planning directive; planning document; plans division; point defense; point detonating; port of debarkation; power distribution; power-driven; preference for duty; priority directive; procurement data; procurement directive; production department; professional development; project directive; project document; projected decision; projected display; property damage; proposal development; protective device; provisioning document; proximity detector; purchase description
mil., UN procurement division
O&G pump discharge
physiol., abbr. Partial denture
railw., abbr. Tavern
tech., abbr. percent detected; periodical; phase detector; photodesorption; photodiode; population density; population distribution; primary detectors; proportionally differential; pulse drive
Pd abbr.
abbr. interpupillary distance; pond; predicted difference; Parade; palladium
abbr., med. pediatrics
abbr., mil. drift compensated parallelogram pattern
abbr., mil., avia. palladium
abbr., oil dimensionless pressure; discharge pressure; peridotite
mil. Probability of Detection (also PD)
pd abbr.
abbr. Potential Difference/Power Doubler
abbr., busin. passed
abbr., earth.sc. pedology
abbr., med. prism diopter (dioptre); pupilia diameter
abbr., sport. pood (единица измерения веса, 1 пуд = 16.38кг Johnny Bravo)
agric. painted
el. potential difference
O&G dew point pressure
polym. per day
pd. abbr.
abbr. paid; painted
abbr., econ. passed
pD50 abbr.
abbr. median threshold dose
adj. pd. abbr.
abbr., econ. assessment paid
Pd. abbr.
abbr., mech.eng. pedestal
: 3 phrases in 1 subject