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PAC abbr.
abbr. Performing Arts Center; Planning And Coordination; Project Area Committee; Public Affairs Committee; planned amortization class (Alexander Matytsin); preauthorized check (Alexander Matytsin); Pacific Air Command; Parent, Adult, Child (The three alter-ego states defined in Eric Berne's theory of Transactional Analysis. Interex); Parental Advisory Committee; Particle Accelerator Conference; Partners Against Cancer; Passion Adventure And Camaraderie; Perceptual Audio Coder; Project Appraisal Committee (Dalilah); program authorized credentials; programmable automation controller; parametron automatic computer; Parker Aircraft Co.; powdered active carbon; preauthorized checks; put and caU; Personnel and Administration Center; Pet Advisory Committee (formerly JACOPIS); Physically Addressed Cache; Politically Active Constituency; Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons; Porting Authorisation Code (Aiduza); Positive Action Center; Potentiometric Analysis Collection; Prayer At Crossroads; Pre- Authorized Check; pre-authorization completion (4uzhoj); Predictive Application Control; Premier Athletic Conference; Preparatory Accelerated Course; Presentation Abstraction Control; Pretty Awful Comedy; Principal Advisory Committee; Prison Action Committee; Pro Active Chair; Process Algebra Compiler; Protection Against Aircraft; Proxy Auto-Config (WWW, Mozilla); Public Access Channel; Public Advisory Committee; Public Advocacy Coalition; Porting Authorization Code (Aiduza)
abbr., afr. Pan-Africanist Congress
abbr., astronaut. Programme Activity Centre (UNEP)
abbr., automat. production activity control
abbr., avia. pilotless aircraft; passenger address controller; path attenuation compensation; path attenuation correction; performance and cost evaluation; power-assisted controls; precision analog computing equipment; product acceptance criteria; pneumatic auxiliary console; public address system; Proposed Aeronautical Change
abbr., biotechn. phosphoramidate chemistry (Altuntash)
abbr., busin. put and call (option)
abbr., cardiol. premature atrial contraction (MichaelBurov)
abbr., chem. polycyclic aromatic compounds (lcorcunov); pressurized aqueous combustion
abbr., clin.trial. pulmonary arterial compliance (ННатальЯ)
abbr., commer. Production Acquisition Cost; put and call option
abbr., comp. Programmer Access Code (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., net. Protected Access Credential (в сетях WLAN vlad-and-slav)
abbr., comp., net., IT Proxy Auto Configuration; Public Access Catalog
abbr., construct. provisional acceptance certificate (акт предварительной приемки работ Халеев)
abbr., data.prot. Privilege Attribute Certificates
abbr., dril. Pacific Asia Connection (Sagoto)
abbr., earth.sc. Pacific Resources Authority; Pan-African Congress; percent areal coverage; polymer-impregnated asphaltic concrete; Program Activity Center (GEMS); potentially adverse condition
abbr., econ. Put and Call Options (PAC straddle Vosoni)
abbr., ed. Parent Advisory Committee; Parent Advisory Council; Parents Advisory Council
abbr., el. powdered activated carbon (filter media); combined paging/access channel; packaged assembly circuit; perception audio coder; personal acoustic control system; personal activity center; personal authentication code; perturbed angular correlation spectroscopy; phase automatic control; phased array controller (chip); photoactinic component; photoactive component; photoactive compound; photo-aperture card; photonic access connector; plasma arc chamber; Plastic Architecture Computer Consortium; polled access circuit; priority arbitration circuit; probably approximate correct (learning model); process access control; processor auxiliary controller; program address counter; program allocation checker; programmable automatic comparator; pulse amplitude control; privilege attribute certificate
abbr., file.ext. Bitmap graphics (Atari STAD Image); Package Assembly Circuit; SBStudio II Package or Song (SBStudio II Vosoni)
abbr., gen.eng. P1-derived artificial chromosome (Весельчак У)
abbr., genet. P1-derived artificial chromosome (Весельчак У); P₁ derived artificial chromosome
abbr., int.rel. Pan African Congress (Евгений_student)
abbr., IT PCI AGP Controller
abbr., lab.eq. Pharmaceutically Active Compound
abbr., logist. purchasing and production activity control
abbr., med. Papular Acrodermatitis Of Childhood; Parent-adult-child; Pediatric AIDS Canada; Pericarditis-arthropathy-camptodactyly (syndrome); Programme D'Actions Concertées; Pulmonary Artery Catheterization; P1 Artificial Chromosome; Personal Access Code; Post Acute Care; Patient Advocacy Council (harser); pulmonary artery catheter (harser); aspirin, phenacetin, caffeine; chest pain; Physician Assistant, Certified (I. Havkin)
abbr., mil. Pacific; Pakistan Aeronautical Complex; Patriot Advanced Capability; Political Action Committee; Project Advisory Committee
abbr., mil., air.def. passive acoustic classification
abbr., mil., WMD Political action committee
abbr., O&G poly anionic cellulose; poly-anionic cellulose; polyanionic cellulose (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. project advisory committee; project automation coordinator
abbr., O&G, sakh. Project automation coordination
abbr., OHS Protective Action Criteria (noaa.gov Ася Кудрявцева)
abbr., oil polyanionic cellulose; petroleum asphalt coating; polycyclic aromatic compound; positive adjustable choke; processor augmentation card; punctuated aggradational cycles
abbr., opt. paraxial/axial color
abbr., org.name. Pan Africanist Congress of Azania
abbr., physiol., med. Premature Atrial Contraction
abbr., polym. perishable agricultural commodities
abbr., product. Production Activity Control (APICS e-nterpreter)
abbr., progr. Presentation Abstraction Control (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., proj.manag. Project Automation Contractor (ixtra)
abbr., relig. PARK Avenue CHRISTIAN
abbr., scottish Pacific Aerospace Corp (Ltd (New Zealand)); Pan-African Congress (South Africa); Patient Airlift Centre; PATRIOT Advanced Capability; PATRIOT ATM Capability; Penetration Aid Carrier; Programmable Armament Control
abbr., space package attitude control; packet admission control; Patriot anti-tactical missile capability; photoelectric absorption coefficient
abbr., tax. packaging charge (Yuriy83)
abbr., tech. Planning Advisory Committee (Vosoni); Planning Analysis and Control (Vosoni); pulse-amplitude modulation
abbr., textile polyacrylic
abbr., transp. Pacific Region
abbr., UN Project Appraisal Committee (Комитет по предварительной оценке проекта astrud)
abbr., weld. Plasma Arc Cutting (Yeldar Azanbayev)
ecol. polyaluminium chloride
energ.ind. process automation complex
invest. put and call
mil. panoramic air camera; performance analysis and control; personal analog computer; personnel and administration center; portable artillery computer; preaction calibration; primary address code; problem action center; program advisory committee; program advisory council; project analysis and control; public affairs committee
tech. packet assembly/disassembly; partitioned adaptive control; passive acoustic center; planning advisory committee; planning, analysis and control; process automation computer; program acquisition costs; protection auxiliary cabinet; public affairs coordinator
water.suppl. polyaluminum chloride; powdered activated carbon; purified activated carbon
Pac. abbr.
abbr. Pacific (Ocean); Pacific; Pacific Reporter
abbr., interntl.trade. Pacific Ocean
pac. abbr.
abbr. put and call
PAc abbr.
abbr., org.chem. phthalic acid (igisheva)
PAC in the United States abbr.
abbr., polit. political action committee (an organization formed to contribute funds to influence the outcome of political elections Val_Ships)
Pac abbr.
abbr., shipb. Pacific Ocean
PAC abbr.
abbr., med. Premature Atrial Complex (Баян); post-acute care (Ying)
abbr., metrol. Pattern Approval Certification (Сертификат об утверждении типа средств измерений Сабу)
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