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Ows abbr.
insur. Owners
OWS abbr.
abbr. Office of Workforce Security; Official Web Sites; Ocean Weather Ship; Orbital Workshop Station
abbr., avia. Operator Workstation; office work station; oil-water separator; operational weather report; orbital workshop lab; out wing station; overload warning system
abbr., avia., med. orbital workshop
abbr., busin. ours
abbr., earth.sc. ocean weather sendee
abbr., el. office workstation; on-line workgroup server; order wire system
abbr., entomol. Old World screwworm
abbr., IT Object With Service
abbr., med. Outerwear Syndrome
abbr., met. operator workstation (рабочее место оператора Киселев)
abbr., mil. Operational Weather Squadron; Overhead Weapon Station (qwarty); operational weather squadron
abbr., mil., WMD Operator workstation
abbr., nautic. Owners; Oily water separator (Marinade)
abbr., nautic., scient. Ocean Weather Station
abbr., O&G, sakh. oily water sewer (system)
abbr., oil oily water sewer; Ocean Weather Service; oil water separator; oil water surface; on weight of solution
abbr., polit. Occupy Wall Street (Inchionette)
abbr., scottish Obstacle Warning System; Overhead Weapon System
abbr., space operational weapon system
abbr., tradem. Oads Work Services; Old Western Scrounger Ammunition, Inc.
meteorol. operations weather support
mil. operational weapon satellite; operational weather support; orbital weapon system; ordnance weapon systems
tech. optical warning sensor; overhaul work scope