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MO [məu] abbr.
abbr. Majority Opinion; Missouri; Moldavian; Momentum On; Monday; Altria Group, Inc. (stock symbol Alex Lilo); Counter-Terrorism Database; Machine Object; Madonion.com (Alex Lilo); Magnesia Oil (Haley's Alex Lilo); Magnum Opus (Alex Lilo); Mahavishnu Orchestra (jazz-rock fusion group Alex Lilo); Main Objective (Alex Lilo); Maintenance & Operations/Operating (Alex Lilo); Maintenance Optimization (mathematical model Alex Lilo); Managed Object (Alex Lilo); Management Object (OSI); Management Operations (Alex Lilo); Management Systems Office (NIMA Alex Lilo); Manomet Observatory (University of Missouri, Columbia, Biological Sciences, Columbia, MO Alex Lilo); Morpholino antisense Oligonucleotide (Alex Lilo); manual-operated; material order; Manpower and Organization (Alex Lilo); Manpower Office (Alex Lilo); Manual Override (Alex Lilo); Manufacturing Order (Alex Lilo); MapObject (Alex Lilo); Maps and Overlays (Alex Lilo); Marching Orders (Alex Lilo); Marine Officer (Alex Lilo); mark off; Mars Observer (Alex Lilo); mason operated; Masonry Opening (Alex Lilo); Massey-Omura (multiplier Alex Lilo); Mastery Operations; Mathematical Olympiad (Alex Lilo); McLean Orchestra (McLean, VA Alex Lilo); Medical Oddity; Medium Offense (gaming Alex Lilo); Medula Oblongata (Alex Lilo); Mega Octet (French: megabyte Alex Lilo); Member Organization (Alex Lilo); Mercedes Original; Mesio-Occlusal (dentistry Alex Lilo); Meta Object; Metal Object (Alex Lilo); Metalorganic (Alex Lilo); Meteorology Officer; Michael Olowokandi (basketball player Alex Lilo); Microwave Oven (Alex Lilo); Middle Office (Alex Lilo); Mildly Overrated; Milicja Obywatelska (former Polish police Alex Lilo); Military Outpost (gaming, Pardus Alex Lilo); Militia Operative (Alex Lilo); Miscellaneous Operation (Alex Lilo); Mission Observer (Alex Lilo); Mission Orders (Alex Lilo); Mixed Oxide (Alex Lilo); Mobile Field Office; Mobile Office (Alex Lilo); Mobile Originated (telecommunications Alex Lilo); Mobile Station (Alex Lilo); Mobility Order; MOD51 (assembly language ASM51 assembler control Alex Lilo); Mode Of Operation (Alex Lilo); Modena (Emilia Romagna, Italy Alex Lilo); Modern Orthodox (Alex Lilo); Modification Order (Alex Lilo); Modifier Oxide; Module Outfitting (Alex Lilo); Molecular Oriented; Montana (less common Alex Lilo); Moral Obligation (Alex Lilo); Morbidly Obese (Alex Lilo); Morse (nautical Alex Lilo); Mostar (auto registration for Mostar, Bosnia Alex Lilo); Mostly Orthogonal (Alex Lilo); Movement Orders (Alex Lilo); MU Online (gaming Alex Lilo); Munitions Operations (Alex Lilo); Musa-Okumoto (logarithmic Poisson method Alex Lilo); Myst Obsession (gaming website Alex Lilo); Philip Morris (биржевое сокращение Alex Lilo); Month; Mail Order; Money Order; Management Objective
abbr., AI. Multi-objective Optimization
abbr., auto. monitoring; mono
abbr., avia. maintenance operation; manual operation; master object; maintenance and operating; maintenance operating; major overhaul; manual orientation; motor operated
abbr., bank. mail order
abbr., BrE Money Order and Savings Bank
abbr., busin. marine oil; monthly; more; municipal ownership; multinational operation
abbr., chem. molecular orbital
abbr., chem., scient. Molybdenum
abbr., commer. make offer
abbr., commun. mobile-originated
abbr., comp. magnet optical disk
abbr., comp., net. mobile originated
abbr., corp.gov. major output
abbr., dentist. inlay MO (MichaelBurov); mesio-occlusal (MichaelBurov); mesio-occlusal inlay (MichaelBurov); mesioocclusal (MichaelBurov); mesioocclusal inlay (MichaelBurov); MO inlay (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. matiére organique; organic matter; meteorological observatory; modified open; modifying oxide; molecular orbitals; moments; multiobjective
abbr., el. magnet-optical; manufacturing outline; medium-oxygen (substrate); memory object; memory oscilloscope; message output; metallo-organic; metal-organic; metalorganics; metal oxide; methyl-orange; microoperation; microscope objective; monitor output; multiple operation
abbr., el., scient. Magneto Optical; Metal-organic
abbr., electr.eng. maintenance outage
abbr., energ.syst. market operator (MichaelBurov); market operator to (MichaelBurov)
abbr., file.ext. Object file (Modula-3)
abbr., fin. market by order
abbr., food.ind. Mineral Oil
abbr., inet. Multiplayer Online
abbr., IT Magneto - Optic; Maintenance And Operation; magneto-optical (Bricker); music objects
abbr., lab.eq. Membrane Oxygenator; Methyl Orange; Micro-Organism; MOnocyte
abbr., law Missing
abbr., med. Master Of Osteopathy; Medical Officer; mesial, occlusal surfaces of a tooth; minute output (of heart)
abbr., mil. Managed Objects; Method Of Operation; Multi Objective; Magneto-Optical (e.g. MO recording); memory operation
abbr., mil., air.def. mission objective
abbr., mil., avia. machine operation
abbr., multimed. move out
abbr., nautic. movement order
abbr., oil motor oil; moveout; moving out; manipulator-operated system; Marine Observer; monitor oscilloscope
abbr., oncol. Multiple Osteochondromas
abbr., opt. master oscillation
abbr., physiol. Mandibular Organ; Medulla Oblongata; Mitral Opening; Mouth Opening
abbr., police Modus Operandi
abbr., polit. Macau; Morocco; municipal unit (MichaelBurov)
abbr., polym. mineral oil; molecular orbit
abbr., psychol. motivating operation
abbr., scient. Meteorological Office
abbr., scottish Magneto-Optic; Master Oscillator; Missouri (US state); Morocco (NATO country code)
abbr., securit. market order
abbr., space military operation
abbr., st.exch. Philip Morris Companies, Inc.
energ.ind. market orientation; mild-duty operation; redundant bending moment
invest. money order
mil. maintenance officer; major objective; management office; manually operated; maritime operations; medical officer; medical orderly; meteorological observer; meteorological office; meteorological officer; method of operation; military observer; military operations; military order; missile officer; mission operations; mission-oriented; mobile object; monthly order; morning; Morse code; motor-operated
tech. maintenance optimization; manual output; mini-orbiter; modulate open; motor operator; moving-out
tradem. Marco
MO% abbr.
abbr., med. MON% (MichaelBurov); monocytes (MichaelBurov); relative monocyte count (MichaelBurov); relative monocyte level (MichaelBurov)
MO# abbr.
abbr., med. absolute monocyte count (MichaelBurov); absolute monocyte level (MichaelBurov)
Mo [məu] abbr.
abbr. mode; monocytes; morphine (MichaelBurov); mole per cent; megaohm; Missouri; Mohs number; Monday; molybdenum
abbr., earth.sc. monitor; monticellite; montmorillonite; morgan
abbr., typogr. minimo
med. C17H19O3N (MichaelBurov)
mo [məu] abbr.
abbr. maize oil; mass of electron at low velocity; mass observation; method of working; mobile; month; motor
abbr., earth.sc. molybdenite
abbr., space proton rest-mass
inf. moment
O&G shaly-formation cementation factor
mo. abbr.
abbr. molded; moulded; moment
econ. monthly (Seregaboss); montn (Seregaboss)
Mo. abbr.
abbr. Missouri; month; Missouri Reports
abbr., earth.sc. molybdenite
Mø. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. molybdenite
mO [məu] abbr.
abbr., med. milliosmol
.mo abbr.
file.ext. Macau
: 4 phrases in 1 subject