
   English thesaurus
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Legal Services
| of
abbr. chem. scient. Oxygen Free
abbr. IT Output File; Overflow Flag
abbr. mil. Objective Force; Opposing Force; Optional Form
abbr. progr. IT Open File
abbr. sport. Outfield; Outfielder
South- Eastern | Michigan
abbr. Mich.

to phrases
legal services
cinema An attorney or a law firm which is responsible for a broad range of legal services related to filmmaking film, television, music, digital media and entertainment, including, but not limited to the counseling, drafting and negotiation of subscription and investment agreeemnts, development and production agreements, cast actor and crew agreements, distribution agreements, and other related agreements, as well as intellectual property concerns.
Legal Services: 20 phrases in 6 subjects
New York Stock Exchange1
Non-governmental organizations10
United States1