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LCDS abbr.
abbr., comp., net. Least Common Denominator Standards (стандарты, построенные по типу наименьшего общего знаменателя (т.е. усредненные, подходящие для всех, универсальные) Бриз)
abbr., el. light communications demonstration system
abbr., met. liquid core detection system
abbr., oil low cost development system
abbr., space laser communication demonstration systems
tech. liquid-crystal dynamic scattering
LCD abbr.
abbr., avia. liquid crystal detector
abbr., earth.sc. liquid chromatographic detector
abbr., IT line control definer
abbr., math. least lowest common denominator
abbr., oil liquid crystal device; lowest common denomination
LCD abbr.
abbr. Lead Contaminated Dust; Layer Color Diameter; Licks Cock Daily; liquid-crystal display; LISP Code Directory (EMACS); Loss of Cell Delineation (UNI, ATM); telegram in the language of the country of destination (Lena Nolte); coal tar solution
abbr., automat. liquid-crystal diode; list of chosen descriptors
abbr., avia. large cargo door; launch control design; linear current density
abbr., BrE Local Consignment Deport
abbr., comp., IT Low Cost Display
abbr., comp., net., IT Local Change Directory; Local Current Directory
abbr., comp.name. Liaoning Chengda Co., Ltd
abbr., dat.proc. liquid crystal display
abbr., econ. less-than-container-load
abbr., el. legacy corporation database; light coupled device; line code definer; load compensated diode; local clock distribution; logic control device; low-conductance drain (design)
abbr., electr.eng. liquid crystal diode
abbr., immunol. Lhasa Carcinogenicity Database (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abbr., med. low contrast detectability (harser); liquor carbonic detergents
abbr., media. Living Causes Death; light valve projector
abbr., mil. Liquid Crystal Display
abbr., mil., WMD local climatologic data
abbr., nautic., scient. Low-Cost Drifter
abbr., O&G local company distributor (MichaelBurov); local distribution company (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, casp. local content development (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., police Least Common Denominator
abbr., scient. Local Climatological Data
abbr., scottish Lighteight Chemical Detector
abbr., sport. Lowest Common Denominator
abbr., tech. Line Contact Design (линейный контакт между прядями внутри каната (в отличие от точечного) NikSayko)
energ.ind. liquid carbon dioxide
mil. launch countdown; logistics and communications division
ocean. Low-cost Drifter
tech. laser conversion device; long constrained data
lcd abbr.
abbr. litres per capita a day (nikolkor); lowest common denominator
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