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noun | abbreviation
HES abbr.
abbr. Hazard Elimination And Safety; Household Economic Survey; Hardcopy Exploitation Systems; Herd Evaluation Services; Home Electronic System (SNI); Honeywell Executive System (OS, Honeywell 800)
abbr., avia. Hall effect sensor; hydro electric station
abbr., commun. hybrid earth station
abbr., el. heteroepitaxial system; high energy series; hot electron stress; hot electron subpopulation; house exchange system; Hughes earth station; hybrid editing system
abbr., food.ind. High Energy Supplement
abbr., food.serv. household expenditure survey
abbr., meteorol. Human Embryonic Skin; Hypereosinophilic Syndrome; Hyperprostaglandin E Syndrome; Health Education Service; hospital episode statistical
abbr., mil., avia. head and steering
abbr., OHS Health, Environmental and Safety; Health, Environment and Safety
abbr., polym. hydroxyethyl starch
abbr., scottish Hardcopy Exploitation Segment (JSIPS)
abbr., tradem. Human Environmental Sciences
mil. high-explosive shell; high-explosive spotting
tech. head end steering
HES abbr.
abbr. historical European swordsmanship (Yuriy83); hierarchical file system; high-early strength; high explosive shell; high-explosive substitute
abbr., earth.sc. hydroelectric station
abbr., oil Halliburton Energy Service; high-early strength (cement); horizontal electric source
abbr., tech. human exposure scenario