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Gov [ɡʌv] abbr.
abbr. Governor
invest. government
Gov. abbr.
abbr. government
invest. governmental
GOV [ɡʌv] abbr.
abbr. gas operated valve (IgBar); Gove, Northern Territory, Australia; Government - Owned Vehicle; License Exception on exports to U.S. government organizations.
abbr., avia. generator output voltage
abbr., el. Gunn oscillator, voltage-tunable
abbr., level. gross observed volume (Метран)
abbr., multimed. group of video object plane
abbr., nautic. gross observed volume (MichaelBurov)
inet. Government Institutions
gov [ɡʌv] abbr.
abbr., busin. govern
.gov abbr.
file.ext. Governmental (Domain Name, Internet)
Govt . [ɡʌv] abbr.
abbr. government (Vosoni)
gov. abbr.
abbr., mech.eng. governor
.GOV abbr.
inet. Governmental (Domain Name)