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CBT abbr.
abbr. Charlie Big Time; Customer Based Training; competence based training (Alexander Matytsin); Canon Buffer Transmission (Fax); Chicago Board of Trade; Campaign for Better Transport (mrssam); community-based targeting; core based trees; central common battery telephone
abbr., automat. centerless bar turning machine
abbr., avia. Computer-Based Training; center for building technology
abbr., busin. cabinet; central battery telephone; coin box telephone
abbr., comp. Core-Based Trees (Vosoni)
abbr., comp.games. close beta test (grafleonov)
abbr., earth.sc. cesium beam tube
abbr., ed. Competency Based Training; Computer Based Testing
abbr., el. core based tree; channel-base transistor; communication barge transmitter; communications bus translator; complementary bipolar transistor; conduction-band tail; constant bandwidth transducer; cursor backward tab
abbr., energ.syst. CB tarification (MichaelBurov); CB tariffication (MichaelBurov); cross-border tarification (MichaelBurov); cross-border tariffication (MichaelBurov)
abbr., environ. conservation bench terrace
abbr., file.ext. Core Block Table
abbr., IT common beta-test (Tiny Tony)
abbr., law Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; Corporate & Business Transactions (Kovrigin)
abbr., logist. computer based training (ssn)
abbr., med. Carotid Body Tumor; Chronic Burger/Biscuit Toxicity (obesity); Community-Based Teaching; Cord Blood Transplant; Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy; cognitive behavioral therapy; Cognitive Behavior Therapy (harser)
abbr., met. centric bottom tapping
abbr., mil. Combat; Compulsory Basic Training; Computer Based Training; common battery terminal
abbr., nat.res. carbon border tax (MichaelBurov)
abbr., nautic. clean ballast tank (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G Cement Bond Tool (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil cement bond tool (andrushin); cement bond logging tool; commercial benefit tax
abbr., oncol. Childhood Brain Tumor
abbr., physiol. Cognitive Blank Therapy; Core Body Temperature
abbr., physiol., med. Center for Biological Timing
abbr., police Case Building Team
abbr., post Computer Based Test (administered by NTAC)
abbr., psychol. cognitive behavioural therapy (Merry Prawn)
abbr., psychother. cognitive behaviour therapy Br. (Andrey Truhachev); Cognitive behavioral therapy (Баян); cognitive behavior therapy Am. (Andrey Truhachev); cognitive behavioural therapy Br. (Andrey Truhachev)
abbr., relig. Continuously Being Thankful
abbr., scottish Computer-Based Trainer
abbr., slang Cock and Ball Torture (Adrax)
abbr., space communication bus translator; core-based tree
abbr., st.exch. Cash Before Trade
abbr., UN cash-based transfer (Игорь_2006)
energ.ind. continuous blowdown tank
mil. Combating Terrorism
NYSE., st.exch. Cabot Corporation
st.exch. computer-based terminal (dimock)
tech. circuit board tester; computer-based training
CbT abbr.
abbr., mil. combating terrorism
cbt abbr.
abbr. combat
Cbt abbr.
abbr., oil carbonate
: 4 phrases in 1 subject