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abbr., bank. Cable Transfer (телеграфный перевод Yuriy83)
abbr., earth.sc. continental tholeiite
abbr., econ. commercial traveller
abbr., hemat. bleeding time (MichaelBurov); blood clotting time (MichaelBurov); clotting time (MichaelBurov); coagulation time (MichaelBurov); prothrombin time (MichaelBurov); CT (MichaelBurov); PT (MichaelBurov)
abbr., insur. Cable transfer; Conference terms
abbr., met. diagram cooling transformation diagram
abbr., mining. centre tap
abbr., shipb. chronometer time
tech. cooling transformation diagram
abbr. Container Terminal
abbr., avia. common to; cut to template; controlled target
abbr., busin. carton
abbr., earth.sc. concentration-lime
abbr., el. carrier power to noise temperature ratio; communications and telemetry
abbr., logist. cable transfer
abbr., med. compression-traction ratio
abbr., mil. crawler-transporter
abbr., O&G coiled tubing (Petronas)
abbr., polygr. colour transparency
mil. command transmitter
abbr. Chips & Technologies (Hersteller); cosmetics and toiletries (chajnik)
abbr., astronaut. Communications & Tracking
abbr., avia. communication and tracking
abbr., el. control and timing
abbr., file.ext. Chips and Technologies
abbr., med. counseling and testing
abbr., mil. Collection and Transfer
abbr., mil., avia. classification and testing
abbr., oil communication and tracking
tech. communications and tracking
abbr., earth.sc. Cenomanian-Turonian
abbr., med. concentration-time
abbr., comp. Computer User Non-Technical (Interex)
abbr., cycl. centre-top
C & T
abbr. classification and testing; contingency and training; conversion and training
abbr., econ. conference terms
auto. connecting tube
mining. current transformer
abbr., earth.sc. cylindrical tubes
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
American stock exchange1
Rail transport1