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BML abbr.
abbr. Bovine Markup Language; Bean Markup Language (Java); Bovine Milk Lysozyme; bone marrow lesions (coltuclu)
abbr., avia. Berlin, New Hampshire; Boeing meteorology laboratory; borrow material list
abbr., earth.sc. bottom mixed layer
abbr., el. business management layer; basic machine language
abbr., med. Biomedical Library; Bone Marrow Lymphocytosis
abbr., mil., avia. ballistic materials laboratory
abbr., oil below mud line; below the mud line; barrels water load
abbr., railw. Belfast and Moosehead Lake Railroad
abbr., scottish Battle Management Laboratory (USA)
abbr., sport. BalMoraL
mil. ballistic missile launcher
tech. bulk material length
BML BillMeLater abbr.
abbr. bill me later (www.billmelater.com Alex Lilo)