
   English thesaurus
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All measures taken after | a
gen. but
biol. abundant; adult; age; aged; asymmetrical
cartogr. acres
| conflict
inet. 409
to restore | the
abbr. med. Tetrahydrocortisone E
| conditions
law Certain things that someone has to do, or not do, to be released
| of a
abbr. offensive arms
| fair
abbr. mil. avia. extended area instrumentation radar
| and
abbr. IT Logical AND
lasting peace to suppress | the
abbr. med. Tetrahydrocortisone E
unbalancing | factors
gen. a ~ behind
| thus
gen. thus = so
| preventing
law abbr. P
hostilities | from
abbr. mil. Force Reception and Onward Movement
starting again The armed forces | can
abbr. med. Cancer
participate in | the
abbr. med. Tetrahydrocortisone E
corresponding actions through operations of | the
abbr. med. Tetrahydrocortisone E
| humanitarian assistance
 Humanitarian Assistance
mil. abbr. HA
type helping | displaced
abbr. oil d
populations | and
abbr. IT Logical AND
| prisoners
mil. abbr. pnr
to return | to
abbr. take-off
their homes | and
abbr. IT Logical AND
temporarily ensuring security within | an
abbr. st.exch. Automation, Inc. of Delaware
| area
abbr. Area Bancshares Corporation
while facilitating the restoration of the | local
mil. low-cost alternate laser seeker
civil authority | These
sms abbr. S
| actions
law legal proceedings
| can
abbr. med. Cancer
come along with legal actions aimed at sanctioning | abuse
law abnormal use of framed by socially significant restrictions
| and
abbr. IT Logical AND
exactions | committed
abbr. med. Community Intervention Trial
during | combat
mil. Common Battlefield Application Toolset
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
All: 15 phrases in 6 subjects
Mass media1