
   English thesaurus
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All measures | procedures
abbr. prc
abbr. polym. proc.
mil. abbr. pcdr; pro; proc
tech. abbr. procd
| and
abbr. IT Logical AND; any day now
| assets
abbr. mil. Transportation Assets File
aimed at | protecting
abbr. health. Preventing Recurrence Of Thromboembolic Events Through Coordinated Treatment
| friendly
USA A contact positively identified as friendly
personnel and equipment from the effects of our own | weapons
mil. abbr. wpns
| 2
abbr. chem. biphenyl
| The
abbr. med. Tetrahydrocortisone E
| condition
abbr. polym. cond.
achieved | when
abbr. ed. World Home Education Network
designated | information
comp. IT Technology
| materiel
mil. abbr. mat
| personnel
mil. abbr. persl
| activities
mil. abbr. ac
| and
abbr. IT Logical AND
| installations
| are
abbr. archit. scient. Architect Registration Examinations
protected against | espionage
mil. abbr. esp
| sabotage
mil. abbr. sab
| subversion
lit. when a concept or text aims to undermine an established idea.
| and
abbr. IT Logical AND
| terrorism
| as well as
 As Well As
| against
abbr. polym. agst
| loss
abbr. surg. Laparoscopic Obesity Stimulation Survey
| or
abbr. med. Orbicularis Oris
unauthorized disclosure | 3
abbr. chem. 3'-hydroxyechinenone
| The
abbr. med. Tetrahydrocortisone E
measures necessary to | achieve
abbr. med. Accupril Congestive Heart Failure Investigation And Economic Variable Evaluation
protection against | espionage
mil. abbr. esp
| sabotage
mil. abbr. sab
| subversion
lit. when a concept or text aims to undermine an established idea.
| and
abbr. IT Logical AND
| terrorism
| as well as
 As Well As
| against
abbr. polym. agst
| loss
abbr. surg. Laparoscopic Obesity Stimulation Survey
| or
abbr. med. Orbicularis Oris
unauthorized disclosure | 4
abbr. hard
The organizations responsible for protecting against | espionage
mil. abbr. esp
| sabotage
mil. abbr. sab
| subversion
lit. when a concept or text aims to undermine an established idea.
| and
abbr. IT Logical AND
| terrorism
| as well as
 As Well As
| against
abbr. polym. agst
| loss
abbr. surg. Laparoscopic Obesity Stimulation Survey
| or
abbr. med. Orbicularis Oris
unauthorized disclosure
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
All measures, procedures and assets aimed at protecting friendly personnel and equipment from the effects of our own weapons. 2. The condition achieved when designated information, materiel, personnel, activities and installations are protected against espionage, sabotage, subversion and terrorism, as well as against loss or unauthorized disclosure. 3. The measures necessary to achieve protection against espionage, sabotage, subversion and terrorism, as well as against loss or unauthorized disclosure. 4. The organizations responsible for protecting against espionage, sabotage, subversion and terrorism, as well as against loss or unauthorized disclosure
: 15 phrases in 6 subjects
Mass media1