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yaw [jɔ:] n
comp., MS انحراف (A rotation in 3D space about the y-axis)
med. آفَةُ اليُوز   ؛آفَةُ الدَّاءِ العُلَّيقِيّ
yaws [jɔ:z] n
med. الدَّاءُ العُلَّيقِيّ   ؛يوز
yaw of a spacecraft [jɔ:] n
sat.comm. تعرج لمركبة فضاء
 English thesaurus
yaw [jɔ:] n
mil. Lateral deviations from course of aircraft or vessel
YAW [jɔ:] abbr.
abbr., avia. Halifax Shearwater Airport, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
abbr., inet. Yet Another Weblog
abbr., sport. Yet Another Win
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Remote sensing1
Satellite communications2