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vital ['vaɪtl] adj.
gen. حيوي
econ. أساسي   ؛قاتل
med. حَياتِيّ
 English thesaurus
vital ['vaɪtl] abbr.
abbr. vit
VITAL ['vaɪtl] abbr.
abbr. Vancouver Interface for Trading Access Links   ؛Volunteers In Training Adult Literacy
abbr., ed. Varied And Integrated Teaching And Learning   ؛Virtual Interactive Training And Learning   ؛Vocational And Independence Training For Adult Life
abbr., el. variable initialized translator for algorithmic languages   ؛virtual information technology architecture & lifecycle   ؛VMS integrated technology for affordable life cycle cost
abbr., file.ext. VAST Interface Test Application Language
abbr., IT VHDL Initiative Toward ASIC Libraries
abbr., mil., avia. environmentally friendly aero engine
abbr., org.name. International Science and Technology Institute
abbr., transp. Virtual Image Takeoff And Landing
mil. virtual image takeoff and landing
: 20 phrases in 7 subjects
International Monetary Fund5
Laboratory equipment1
Rail transport1
United Nations4