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unity ['ju:nɪtɪ] n
gen. اتحاد   ؛وحدة
econ. انسجام   ؛إتفاقي   ؛تضامن
 English thesaurus
unity ['ju:nɪtɪ] n
math. the number 1 or any element of a set or field that behaves under a given operation as the number 1 behaves under multiplication (the cube roots of unity wiktionary.org)
UNITY ['ju:nɪtɪ] abbr.
abbr. United Nashvillians Involved Together for Youth   ؛United National Indian Tribal Youth   ؛United National Indian Tribal Youth, Inc.   ؛United Neighboring Independent Trusted Youth   ؛United Neighboring Interdependent Trusting Youth
abbr., agric. Urbane Nature In Total Yield
abbr., UN United Nations In The Youth
Unity ['ju:nɪtɪ] n
relig., abbr. U
: 12 phrases in 6 subjects
Electric motors1
International Monetary Fund5
Name of organization3