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transparency [træn'spærənsɪ] n
comp., MS الشفافية (The quality that defines how much light passes through an object's pixels)   ؛شفافية (A standard that requires that the structure for processing personal information be in a fashion that is open and understandable to the individual whose data is being processed. It is a goal of the Fair Information Practices, which requires a company to inform users what personal information the company collects and how the data is used)
med. شَفافِيَّة
rem.sens. شَفَافِيّة
 English thesaurus
transparency [træn'spærənsɪ] n
jewl. The quality or state of being transparent.
: 25 phrases in 7 subjects
Corporate governance1
International Monetary Fund16
Remote sensing1
Thermal Energy1
United Nations3