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theme [θi:m] n
gen. موضوع
comp., MS نسق, لون الخلفية (A collection of visual elements and sounds for your computer desktop or device User Interface. A theme determines the look of the various visual elements of your User Interface, such as windows, icons, fonts, and colors, and it can include sounds)   ؛نسق (A set of coordinated graphic elements applied to a document or Web page, or across all pages in a Web site. Themes can consist of designs and color schemes for fonts, link bars, and other page elements)
stat. الموضوع الرئيسي
 English thesaurus
theme [θi:m] n
lit. A principal concept or concepts that unifies and preoccupies a literary work. see also motif
THEME [θi:m] abbr.
abbr., file.ext. Desktop theme (Windows 95)
abbr., IT Desktop theme
: 15 phrases in 3 subjects
Name of organization1