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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
sod [sɒd] n
soil. كتلة تراب تَنمُوعليها الأعشاب   ؛طَبَقة عليا من التُّربَة تَنمُو عليها الأعشاب
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sod [sɔd] abbr.
abbr. sodomy
rude sodomite
vulg. fuck (по всей видимости является сокращением слова sodomize Баян)
sod. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. sodium
SOD [sɔd] abbr.
abbr. Sea Of Destiny   ؛Seconds Of Day   ؛Shadow Of Death   ؛Sign Of The Day   ؛Sell Out Diddy   ؛Signatures On Demand   ؛Societe d'Etudes pour l'Obtention du Deuterium   ؛Sorocaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil   ؛Sprint On Dirt   ؛State Of Destruction   ؛Statement of Defence (Yakov)   ؛Sucking Off Dicks
abbr., auto. seat occupied detection
abbr., avia. sustained operational date   ؛system operation design   ؛system operation description
abbr., bacteriol. selective oropharyngeal decontamination (Игорь_2006)
abbr., biochem. superoxide dismutase (супероксиддисмутаза GhostLibrarian)
abbr., chem., scient. Super Oxide Dismutase
abbr., dentist. size of defect (MichaelBurov)   ؛School Of Dentistry
abbr., el. serial output data   ؛service-on-demand   ؛service order   ؛silicon on diamond   ؛simulation on demand   ؛small object detector   ؛spin-on dielectric (material)   ؛spin-on dopant source   ؛surface oriented diode
abbr., el., scient. Small Outline Diode
abbr., IT Screen Of Death   ؛Service On Demand
abbr., ling. Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (Alter Al)
abbr., market. share of demand (Scaramouch)
abbr., med. septo-optic dysplasia (Игорь_2006)   ؛source-object distance (harser)   ؛surgical officer of the day
abbr., media. Shadows Of Darkness
abbr., mil. Season Of Death   ؛Soldiers Of Destruction   ؛Spear Of Destiny   ؛Stormtroopers Of Death   ؛Strategy and Options Decision   ؛Summer Of Death   ؛special operations division   ؛strategy and options decision (Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System)
abbr., mus. Soft On Demand
abbr., O&G, sakh. sales office director
abbr., oncol., med. Septo Optic Dysplasia
abbr., physiol., med. Sodium   ؛Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction
abbr., police Special Operations Division   ؛some other dude (кто-то другой, as in "he seems to be innocent, SOD did it" Val_Ships)
abbr., sport. Sire Of Distinction   ؛Skate Or Die   ؛Steal Of The Draft
abbr., tradem. SuperOxide Dismutase
ecol. sediment oxygen demand
mil. Secretary of Defense   ؛special operations detachment   ؛systems operational description   ؛systems operational design
O&G optical smoke detector
tech. shallow outside diameter
SODS abbr.
abbr., astronaut. space operations data system
abbr., el. subordinate operations data system
abbr., space shuttle operational data system
SoD [sɔd] abbr.
abbr. segregation of duties (SEIC ABelonogov)
Sod [sɔd] abbr.
abbr. sodalite
SOD [sɔd] abbr.
abbr. Standard Oil Development Co.   ؛Superintendent of Documents, GPO
abbr., busin. sell-off date   ؛seller's option to double
abbr., earth.sc. specific oxygen demand   ؛Standard Oil Development Company
abbr., med. space orientation disorder (ННатальЯ)
abbr., space Secretary of Defence
abbr., sport. superoxide dismutase
abbr., textile synthetic organic dyes
SoD [sɔd] abbr.
IT Solution on Demand (N.Zubkova)
: 8 phrases in 5 subjects
Soil science3