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slag [slæg] n
agric. خَبَثْ
oil خبث   ؛جلح
slag A nonmetallic product resulting from the interaction of flux and impurities in the smelting and refining of metals [slæg] n
environ. الخَبَث
 English thesaurus
slag [slæg] n
mil. A byproduct of cutting with oxyacetylene
SLAG [slæg] abbr.
abbr., avia. side-looking air-to-ground
abbr., ed., scient. Scholars, Leaders, Athletes, And Gentlemen
abbr., el. self-limiting advancing gate method
abbr., food.ind. Spirits, Liquor, Ale, and Gin
abbr., mil., avia. safe launch angle gate
abbr., sport. Scholars Leaders Athletes And Gentlemen   ؛Scholarship, Leadership, Athletics, and Gentlemen
: 12 phrases in 5 subjects
Chemical fibers2
Oil / petroleum3
Soil science1
Thermal Energy1