comp., MS |
الإعدادات (Options that allow users to change their voicemail number, turn on caller ID, international assist, and long tones) |
gen. |
تجهيز |
acrid. |
وضع ؛تثبيت ؛تهيئة ؛ضبط |
comp., MS |
إعداد (A configuration parameter or element that controls the behavior of a service, application, feature, function, or a run-time environment) |
econ. |
تجنيب ؛تخصيص ؛إنشاء |
forestr. |
وحدة القطع |
leath. |
التثبيت |
med. |
تَصَلُّب |
oil |
فلطحة |
comp., MS |
إعدادات (An icon that displays options related to user and site settings. The settings icon is visually represented by the shape of a gear) |
comp., MS |
إعدادات (The area of the product in which you can work with business units, users, security roles, templates, subjects, services, and so on) |
English thesaurus |
lit. |
The place or period within which a narrative or play is located. In drama, setting comprises of any stage scenery. |