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section ['sekʃ(ə)n] n
comp., MS قسم (A labeled group of consecutive slides that helps the user navigate and organize presentations)   ؛مقطع (A control that contains other controls)
econ. قسم   ؛جزء   ؛قطاع   ؛مادة
med. مَقْطَع
section of an overhead line n
pwr.lines. مقطع من خط هوائي
 English thesaurus
section ['sekʃ(ə)n] abbr.
abbr. sx
abbr., karate. stn
law, abbr. s.   ؛sec.   ؛sect.
mil., abbr. sec   ؛sect   ؛sxn
nucl.pow., abbr. sct
USA As applied to ships or naval aircraft, a tactical subdivision of a division   ؛A subdivision of an office, installation, territory, works, or organization   ؛especially a major subdivision of a staff   ؛A tactical unit of the Army and Marine Corps smaller than a platoon and larger than a squad   ؛An area in a warehouse extending from one wall to the next (JP 3-33)   ؛usually the largest subdivision of one floor (JP 3-33)
sections abbr.
abbr. ss (The following abbreviations should be used in pinpoint references to a treaty: Article (art); Articles (arts); Section (s); Sections (ss); Subsection (sub-s); Subsections (sub-ss); Paragraph (para); Paragraphs (paras); Schedule (sch); Schedules (schs); Appendix (app). Example: Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community, opened for signature 25 March 1957, 298 UNTS 11, art 85(1) (entered into force 1 January 1958). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_International_law Alexander Demidov)
abbr., construct. s.s.
ocean., nautic., scient. Energetically Active Zones of the Ocean and Climate Variability
section: 193 phrases in 30 subjects
Antennas and waveguides6
Cables and cable production2
Corporate governance1
Electric motors4
Electric traction3
Electricity generation3
Fish farming pisciculture1
Food industry4
International Monetary Fund48
Laboratory equipment1
Name of organization4
Oil / petroleum9
Power electronics1
Power lines12
Rail transport7
Remote sensing1
Sound recording1
United Nations36
Veterinary medicine1
Water resources3
Wood processing1