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noun | noun | to phrases
runoff ['rʌnɒf, -ɒːf] n
acrid. سيلان   ؛الصرف الانسياب السطحي   ؛المطر الجاري على سطح الأرض
fish.farm. تدفق سطحي
nautic., econ. صَرف سطحي   ؛سيح   ؛سيحان   ؛غسل
water.res. جريان سطحى   ؛المدد النهري   ؛السيل
runoff Rate at which water is removed by flowing over the soil surface. This rate is determined by the texture of the soil, slope, climate, and land use cover (e.g. paved surface, grass, forest, bare soil) ['rʌnɒf, -ɒːf] n
environ. انسياب سطحي
 English thesaurus
RuNOff ['rʌnɒf, -ɒːf] abbr.
abbr. RNO (Vosoni)
: 19 phrases in 4 subjects
United Nations1
Water resources6