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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
rip [rɪp] n
comp., MS نسخ من قرص مضغوط (To copy digital media content from an audio CD. Content may be converted to a different format during the ripping process)
rip [rɪp] v
gen. مزق   ؛شق
fish.farm. شق البطن
 English thesaurus
rip [rɪp] abbr.
abbr., hydrol. rip current (MichaelBurov)
rip. v
gen. ripieno
RIP [rɪp] abbr.
abbr. Randomly Insulting People   ؛Rape In Piss   ؛Ras Interacting Protein   ؛Raster Image Process   ؛Raster Image Processing   ؛Raster Image Processor (DTP)   ؛Read, Interpolate, and Plot   ؛Real Intense People   ؛Reality Isn't Perfect   ؛Really Idiot Proof   ؛Really Into Partying   ؛Reconnaissance Information Point   ؛Recreation Internship Program   ؛Reduction Implementation Panel   ؛Reductions in Personnel   ؛Register of Intelligence Publications   ؛Regulated Interaction Protocol   ؛Regulation Of Investigatory Powers   ؛Remedy In Place   ؛Rendering In Pen   ؛Repair In Place   ؛repair-inspection-paint (Yeldar Azanbayev)   ؛Reprints And Interactive Permissions   ؛Requiescat In Pace   ؛Resolute In Punishment   ؛Resources Into Pixels   ؛Respiratory Inductance Plethysmography   ؛Rest In Pain   ؛Rest In Peace (or Requiescat In Pace : latin)   ؛Rest In Piece   ؛Rest In Pieces   ؛Rest In Pissed   ؛Rest In Pizza   ؛Riddled In Parasites   ؛Router Information Protocol   ؛Routing Interchange Protocol   ؛Rude Immature Player   ؛Russian Imperial Porter   ؛надгробная надпись: rest in peace (4uzhoj)
abbr., anim.husb. record in progress   ؛records in progress
abbr., avia. reference installation plan   ؛remote instrument package   ؛request for instrumentation preflight   ؛research in progress
abbr., avia., Canada restricted instrument procedure
abbr., el. rapid isothermal processing   ؛reactive ion plating   ؛reception information protocol   ؛ring interface processor   ؛routing information processing
abbr., electr.eng. Resin Impregnated Paper (Jimmy)
abbr., EU. REACH Implementation Project (lexicographer)
abbr., file.ext. Program crash report (Quincy)   ؛Remote Access Graphics   ؛Remote Imaging Protocol   ؛Ring Index Pointer
abbr., immunol. ribosome-inactivating protein   ؛Ribonucleoprotein Immunoprecipitation (Гера)
abbr., inet. Routing Information Protocol
abbr., IT raster image processor (Bricker)   ؛rest in peace (Bricker)
abbr., lat. requiescat in pace (rest in peace Vosoni)
abbr., med. ribosome inhibitor protein   ؛radioimmunoprecipitation
abbr., mil. register of intelligence publications
abbr., mil., air.def. radar improvement program
abbr., mil., avia. radar identification point
abbr., mining. resin-in-pulp
abbr., opt. refractive index profile
abbr., plast. resin injection processing
abbr., polym. radiation-induced photoconductivity   ؛reduced internal pressure   ؛resin-inpulp
abbr., post Recognition Improvement Program
abbr., railw. Repair, Inspect, and Paint (x741)
abbr., tech. Reliability Improvement Program (Vosoni)   ؛Resin-In-Pulp process (Vosoni)
abbr., telecom. routing information protocol (ssn)
abbr., textile Review of Textile Progress
mil. radar identification point   ؛radar improvement plan   ؛radiological information plot   ؛receiving inspection plan   ؛recoverable item program   ؛reduction in personnel   ؛reenlistment incentive program   ؛regional interdiction plan   ؛reliability improvement plan   ؛resin impregnation   ؛retirement improvement program   ؛rocket-impelled projectile
tech. reactor internal pump
USA Remediation in Progress
wood. rough-mill improvement program
RIP [rɪp] abbr.
abbr., avia. rapid implementation prototype
abbr., earth.sc. radar image processor   ؛reconnaissance induced polarization
abbr., hydrol. rip (на реке MichaelBurov)
abbr., med. run-in phase (ННатальЯ)
abbr., mil. Relief in Place (Denis_Sakhno)
abbr., nautic. R.I.P. (MichaelBurov)   ؛rip current (MichaelBurov)   ؛channel of water flowing away from shore (MichaelBurov)
abbr., space resin-impregnated plastics
abbr., tech. resin impregnated paper ( (конденсаторный ввод) с бумажной изоляцией, пропитанной смолой  Racooness)
abbr., tobac. reduced ignition propensity cigarettes (triumfov)
: 9 phrases in 5 subjects
Wood processing1