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malpractice ['mæl'præktɪs] n
econ. إهمال وَظِيفِيّ   ؛تقصير   ؛سوء تصرف
med. سوءُ المُمارَسَة
malpractice professional misconduct or improper conduct, esp. by a physician ['mæl'præktɪs] n
law الخطأ الطبي، سوء تصرف مهني خصوصا من قبل الأطباء
 English thesaurus
malpractice ['mæl'præktɪs] n
law professional misconduct, illegal, unethical, negligent, or immoral behavior by someone in a professional or official capacity, esp. by a physician   ؛Violation of a professional duty to act with reasonable care and in good faith without fraud or collusion. This term is usually applied to such conduct by doctors, lawyers, or accountants