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ex [eks] adj.
econ. خارج   ؛بدون   ؛سابقا
ex- adj.
med. سابقة بمعنى البُعْدُ عَن
 English thesaurus
ex [eks] n
ex-wife (бывшая жена: "we're still trying to locate his ex")
abbr., econ. excluding new issue of shares
ex. abbr.
abbr. excluding   ؛exclusive   ؛execution   ؛executive   ؛exempt   ؛examined   ؛excellent   ؛exception   ؛excluded   ؛executed   ؛exercise   ؛exhaust   ؛exit   ؛expanding   ؛explosion   ؛export   ؛extra
abbr., commer. examination   ؛examiner   ؛execute   ؛expense   ؛exporter   ؛extension
abbr., earth.sc. except   ؛excepted   ؛extract
abbr., econ. executor   ؛exceptional
abbr., fin. exchange
abbr., libr. exchanged
mining. explode   ؛exploder   ؛explosive   ؛extraction
polym. excess
ex [eks] abbr.
abbr. electronics   ؛examination   ؛examined   ؛except   ؛exception   ؛excess   ؛exchange   ؛excursion   ؛execute   ؛executive   ؛exercise   ؛experiment   ؛experimental   ؛expert   ؛exposed   ؛exposure   ؛extract
abbr., law x.
abbr., med. experimentation
abbr., oil express
abbr., tech. central exchange
agric. excepted
O&G exploration (serz)
oil.proc. explosion (для взрывоопасных помещений, зон butt)
EX [eks] abbr.
abbr. E Xtreme   ؛Former   ؛The Expectation Of X   ؛Excellent condition   ؛extra
abbr., auto. exit
abbr., avia. excitation   ؛excite   ؛executive committee   ؛executive management officer
abbr., el. extended   ؛multiexecutor
abbr., IT exclusive OR
abbr., math., scient. EXample
abbr., O&G, sakh. explosion-proof
abbr., oil east extension
abbr., physiol., med. Exacerbate   ؛Examination   ؛Excision
abbr., scient. Exceptional Children
abbr., scottish Electronics Experimental (USA)
abbr., st.exch. Exide Corporation
Ex [eks] abbr.
abbr. exponential   ؛excellent   ؛example   ؛extrusion
abbr., med. exophthalmos
chromat. Excitation wavelength (in nanometers Morning93)
el.com. Light wear, slight marks or scratches; a "B" grade
lat. Exodus
USA X (former)
Ex. abbr.
abbr. Exchequer
abbr., econ. exchange>>²
lat. Extra ("outside of")
Ex- adj.
el.com. Between EX and VG+
Ex+ adj.
el.com. Very light wear, slight marks, 85-90% of original condition
EX [eks] abbr.
abbr., busin. examiner   ؛excavator   ؛exceptional   ؛exciter   ؛excluding   ؛exclusive   ؛excursus   ؛executed   ؛execution   ؛executor   ؛exempt   ؛exhibit   ؛exploder   ؛explosive   ؛export   ؛exported   ؛exporter   ؛extension   ؛extremely   ؛from   ؛formerly   ؛but not now   ؛out of...   ؛CONT from contract
abbr., commer. expense
abbr., earth.sc. exciting   ؛exhaust
abbr., IT extinction ratio   ؛exception response
Ex [eks] abbr.
abbr. experimental station   ؛exponent
abbr., oil Exeter
Ex. abbr.
abbr. exciter   ؛exciting   ؛experimental
abbr., earth.sc. example   ؛experiment
UK Exchequer Reports (Welsby. Hurlstone and Gordon)
: 110 phrases in 13 subjects
Corporate governance8
Food industry1
International Monetary Fund26
Laboratory equipment1