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noun | adjective | to phrases
dyke [daɪk] n
gen. جسر ب
water.res. حاجز واق من المياه   ؛السد الصغير
dyke An artificial wall, embankment, ridge, or mound, usually of earth or rock fill, built around a relatively flat, low-lying area to protect it from flooding; a levee. A dyke may be also be constructed on the shore or border of a lake to prevent inflow of undesirable water [daɪk] adj.
environ. جسر - حاجز
 English thesaurus
dyke [daɪk] abbr.
abbr., dril. dike
USA a disparaging term for a lesbian (especially one exhibiting behavior associated with stereotypically masculine traits Val_Ships)
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Water resources2