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diaphragm ['daɪəfræm] n
acrid. غشاء رقيق   ؛حجاب   ؛رداخ
med. العَازِلُ الأُنْثَوِيّ (في مَنْعِ الحَمْل)
O&G. tech. غشاء
oil الحجاب الحاجز
pwr.lines. إطار
rem.sens. رق
 English thesaurus
diaphragm ['daɪəfræm] abbr.
abbr., agric. diaph
metrol. Pressure: A thin flexible disc that is supported around the edges and whose centre is allowed to move in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the disc; it is used for a wide variety of purposes, such as detecting or reproducing sound waves, keeping two fluids separate while transmitting the pressure or motion between them, or producing a mechanical or electrical signal proportional to the differential pressure across the diaphragm.   ؛Thin, usually porous wall used to separate liquids or gases of different compositions
: 29 phrases in 7 subjects
Laboratory equipment1
Oil and gas technology2
Remote sensing1
Thermal Energy1