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custody ['kʌstədɪ] n
econ. وِصَايَة   ؛حفظ   ؛إيداع   ؛حبس
law حجز
custody case and control of children ['kʌstədɪ] n
law رعایة، حمایة
 English thesaurus
custody ['kʌstədɪ] n
law legal right and responsibility for raising a child   ؛When someone is under the physical control of the court to make sure they go to court when they're supposed to   ؛when the judge sends a person to jail after they are found guilty of a crime   ؛the care and control of children
mil., abbr. cust
USA The responsibility for the control of, transfer and movement of, access to, and maintenance of accountability for weapons and components   ؛Temporary restraint of a person   ؛The detention of a person by lawful authority or process (JP 3-63)
: 24 phrases in 7 subjects
Corporate governance1
Fish farming pisciculture1
International Monetary Fund1