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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
crash [kræʃ] n
comp., MS تعطل (The failure of either a program or a disk drive. A program crash results in the loss of all unsaved data and can leave the operating system unstable enough to require restarting the computer. A disk drive crash, sometimes called a disk crash, leaves the drive inoperable and can cause loss of data)
crash [kræʃ] v
gen. اصطدم   ؛حادث   ؛تحطم
econ. انهيار   ؛إفلاس
crash [kræʃ] adj.
comp., MS يتعطل (For a system or program, to fail to function correctly, resulting in the suspension of operation)
 English thesaurus
CRASH [kræʃ] abbr.
abbr. Canadians For Responsible And Safe Highways   ؛Computer Remediation And Share Holder   ؛Corticosteroid Randomization After Significant Head   ؛Cracked Rashed Abraded Stitched And Hammered   ؛To upset   ؛Cracked Rashed Abrased Stitched And Hammered
abbr., inf. To get some sleep To get some sleep...I don't have a place to crash tonight.   ؛to take over
abbr., law Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums
abbr., med. Corpus Callosum Hypoplasia-retardation-adducted Thumbs-spastic Paraplegia-hydrocephalus (syndrome)
abbr., physiol., med. Cultures Resuscitation And Antibiotics Started Here
abbr., relig. Christians Running Around Saving Humans   ؛Christians Running Around Seeking Heaven   ؛Come Rejoice And Sing Hallelujah
: 9 phrases in 4 subjects
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