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correlation ['kɔrɪ'leɪʃ(ə)n] n
gen. تلازم
comp., MS ارتباط (Creating relationships between an email activity and other records by using the information from email headers)
econ. صلة   ؛علاقة متبادلة
forestr. إرتباط
math. ارتباط
med. تَرابُط
 English thesaurus
correlation ['kɔrɪ'leɪʃ(ə)n] n
mil. In AD/MD, the process of determining that different sources are providing matching information
mil., abbr. correl
mil., logist. For the army, one of the intelligence fusion method processing phase of the intelligence cycle consisting in associating a unit newly reported with a unit previously observed or not according to its move, its position or its attitude. 2. For air defense, action consisting in establishing that an aircraft displayed on a console or visually detected is the same as the one mentioned in the piece of information received from an other source. (FRA)   ؛Confirmation of an item of information by an other item of information coming from a different source in order to improve its reliability or credibility. (FRA)
: 124 phrases in 11 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Fishery fishing industry1
International Monetary Fund8
Name of organization2
Oil / petroleum4
Remote sensing1