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connector [kə'nεktə, -ər] n
comp., MS موصل (Any one-dimensional (1-D) shape that can be glued between two shapes in a drawing to connect the shapes)
el.mach. رابط
el.tract. وصلة
med. وَصيلَة (ج: وَصائِل)
oil قارنة   ؛قابض التوصيل   ؛وصلة التوصيل   ؛فيش التوصيل
lamp connector [kə'nεktə, -ər] n
light. وصلة المصباح
connectors [kə'nεktə, -ər] n
O&G. tech. وصلة وصلات
 English thesaurus
connector [kə'nεktə, -ər] abbr.
abbr. telecom jack (MichaelBurov)   ؛telecommunications connector (MichaelBurov)   ؛telecommunications jack (MichaelBurov)   ؛telecommunications outlet (MichaelBurov)   ؛outlet (MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT conn
: 47 phrases in 6 subjects
Antennas and waveguides2
Cables and cable production17
Electrical engineering2
Electricity generation1