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clerk [klɑ:k], US: [klɜːrk] n
gen. الكاتب
econ. موظف   ؛مستخدم
org.name. كاتب
prof.jarg. مسْتَكْتَب (http://tarek.kakhia.org/)
clerk court official, judge’s administrative assistant [klɑ:k], US: [klɜːrk] n
law المساعد الإداري للقاضي
 English thesaurus
clerk [klɑ:k], US: [klɜːrk] n
law court official, judge’s administrative assistant   ؛Officer of the court who files pleadings, motions, judgments, etc., issues process, and keeps records of court proceedings
mil., abbr. clk
CLERK [klɑ:k] abbr.
abbr., police Computerized Law Enforcement Record Keeping
: 43 phrases in 5 subjects
Corporate governance3
Name of organization1
Professional jargon1