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noun | verb | adjective
calm [kɑ:m] n
gen. هدوء
acrid. رهو   ؛ركود   ؛سكون
calm [kɑ:m] v
gen. هدأ
calm [kɑ:m] adj.
gen. رائق   ؛هادئ
 English thesaurus
CALM [kɑ:m] abbr.
abbr. Cal Maine Foods, Inc.   ؛Campaign Against Living Miserably   ؛Career And Life Management   ؛Citizens Against Loud Music   ؛Computer Aided Leadership & Management   ؛Computerisation For Archives Libraries And Museums   ؛Computer-Aided Lifecycle Management (Vosoni)   ؛Cannabis As Living Medicine
abbr., adv. Commercial Advertising Loudness Mitigation (ВВладимир)
abbr., auto. Communication Access for Land Mobiles (Dinara Makarova)
abbr., avia. computer aided assisted library mechanization   ؛computer aided load manifest   ؛consolidated air load manifest
abbr., comp., net., IT Codan Automatic Link Management
abbr., comp.name. Canadian Association of Logistics Management
abbr., ed., scient. Categorizing And Learning Module   ؛Computer Aided Laboratory Management
abbr., el. computer-aided learning machine   ؛computer-aided learning model
abbr., health., med. Center For Alternative Living Medicine   ؛Conscious Active Living Mind
abbr., mil., avia. catapult, arresting gear & landing aids maintenance
abbr., mus. Creating Aspiring Living Music
abbr., O&G Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil catenary anchor leg mooring   ؛catenary anchor leg mounts   ؛crane attachment lorry mounted
abbr., oncol. Clathrin Assembly Lymphoid Myeloid leukemia protein
abbr., scottish Crane Attachment Lorry-Mounted
abbr., space characterization of advanced low background mosaic   ؛computer-aided layout of mask
abbr., tech. catenary anchor leg mooring system   ؛catenary mooring
abbr., telecom. Communication Architecture for Land Mobile (архитектура передачи данных ИТС AlexanderGerasimov)   ؛Communications Architecture for Land Mobiles (AlexanderGerasimov)
CALMS abbr.
abbr., el. cable and line management system   ؛computer automatic line monitoring system
abbr., med. cafe-au-lait macules (inspirado)
abbr., mil. Computer- Aided Load Manifest System   ؛computer-aided load manifesting system
abbr., oil continuous automatic line monitoring system
dermat. Café au lait macules (iwona)