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allergy ['æləʤɪ] n
gen. الحساسية
med. أَرَجِيَّة (فرط التحسس للمُسْتَضِدّ)
allergy to locusts ['æləʤɪ] n
acrid. استهداف   ؛تجاوب للجراد
allergy A condition of abnormal sensitivity in certain individuals to contact with substances such as proteins, pollens, bacteria, and certain foods. This contact may result in exaggerated physiologic responses such as hay fever, asthma, and in severe enough situations, anaphylactic shock ['æləʤɪ] n
environ. حساسية
 English thesaurus
allergy ['æləʤɪ] abbr.
abbr. alg
: 8 phrases in 1 subject