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S [es] abbr.
med. رمز الكبريت (كب؛ S)
s [es] abbr.
med. رمز ثا (ثانية)
 English thesaurus
S [es] abbr.
abbr. socius (fellow)   ؛substantive   ؛Svedbery unite   ؛self-bred progeny   ؛smooth colony   ؛Scrimmage   ؛sea   ؛Seadog   ؛apparent power   ؛sabin   ؛Scientific Progress Report   ؛searchlight   ؛search   ؛Sears, Roebuck, & Company   ؛Seclusion   ؛second   ؛Seconds   ؛Secure   ؛sector   ؛sensibility   ؛sequence   ؛shock   ؛sides   ؛simultaneous   ؛sixteenmo   ؛spat   ؛spherical lens   ؛statical   ؛stationary   ؛stocking   ؛superior air mass   ؛Secure Encryption Technology   ؛Seek   ؛Sell   ؛Senate   ؛senator   ؛Senorita   ؛Sensory   ؛Sentence   ؛September   ؛Serve   ؛Server   ؛Serving   ؛Session   ؛Sexy   ؛Shareholders   ؛Sharing   ؛Shift   ؛Shoot   ؛Short   ؛Shredder   ؛Sick   ؛sign   ؛signor   ؛Silly   ؛silver   ؛Simple   ؛Sin   ؛Sir   ؛Sissy   ؛Size   ؛Sizzle   ؛Skip   ؛Slant   ؛Sleep   ؛Slice   ؛Slow   ؛Slutty   ؛small   ؛Smart   ؛smiling   ؛smoke   ؛Snail   ؛snow   ؛Socrates   ؛solar   ؛soprano   ؛Soul   ؛Source   ؛South   ؛space   ؛special   ؛speed   ؛Spineless   ؛Spoiler   ؛Sport   ؛Squint   ؛Stab   ؛Stalker   ؛steam-water slip ratio   ؛Stiff   ؛stock car   ؛Stockings   ؛Stop   ؛Stopped   ؛Storage   ؛strategic   ؛stratus   ؛Strike   ؛Student   ؛Stupid   ؛Submersible   ؛Submissive   ؛Subscriber   ؛Substitution   ؛Sucks   ؛Sucky   ؛sun   ؛Sunday   ؛sunny   ؛Sunshine   ؛Super   ؛Supercharger   ؛superficial   ؛Superior   ؛superior air   ؛Superman   ؛Superuser   ؛Supplement   ؛supply   ؛Support   ؛support   ؛Suspension   ؛Sweep   ؛sound   ؛Symbol   ؛These   ؛total exposed area for finned surface   ؛Scotland   ؛Socialist   ؛Sweet   ؛area or total exposed surface area for a finned surface   ؛ratio of cross-sectional velocities of steam and water   ؛S reference point (ISDN)   ؛Safe   ؛Safety   ؛Sagans (Billions and Billions)   ؛Samaritan   ؛Sanctified   ؛Sanctuary   ؛Santa   ؛satellite   ؛Satisfactory   ؛Saturating   ؛Saturday   ؛Save   ؛Saved   ؛Saxon   ؛Scenario   ؛Schedule   ؛schilling   ؛Scholarly   ؛School   ؛scientific
abbr., agric. sale   ؛single   ؛Sussex
abbr., agrochem. saturation degree   ؛sum of bases
abbr., avia. anti-submarine aircraft   ؛distance   ؛dollar   ؛minimum slat retract speed (EFIS)   ؛sailing   ؛scanning   ؛scheduled   ؛scrap   ؛scupper   ؛secant   ؛separation   ؛serviceable   ؛specifications   ؛spin   ؛stall   ؛stamps   ؛status   ؛statute   ؛stringer   ؛subgroup   ؛supercharged   ؛supplier   ؛stowage   ؛wing area   ؛southern latitude
abbr., avia., med. sinister   ؛sitting   ؛software
abbr., biol. serine   ؛Swedberg unit
abbr., busin. shipment   ؛store
abbr., cables sulphur (sulfur)
abbr., cartogr. San   ؛southern   ؛spar   ؛staging area   ؛state
abbr., chem. black   ؛nucleophilic substitution   ؛sulphur
abbr., commer. Singaporean Dollar   ؛salvageable
abbr., comp., net. slave
abbr., dent.impl. implant S (MichaelBurov)   ؛implant Standard (MichaelBurov)   ؛Standard (MichaelBurov)
abbr., drug.name streptomycin (стрептомицин Min$draV)
abbr., earth.sc. sangamon   ؛sanidine   ؛saussuritized   ؛schist   ؛schreibersite   ؛rhabdite   ؛schwagerina   ؛scuttle   ؛seamount   ؛sedimentation coefficient   ؛sericite   ؛serpentine   ؛serpentinite   ؛shear   ؛shearing   ؛Shikoku   ؛shoreline   ؛shower   ؛sillimanite   ؛Singapore Dollar   ؛single-shell   ؛sinter   ؛skarn   ؛slop   ؛sludge   ؛smectite   ؛solvsbergite   ؛sound ranging   ؛spate   ؛sphalerite   ؛sphene   ؛standard deviation   ؛stilbite   ؛stoke   ؛stratosphere   ؛strong   ؛suevite   ؛sulfide   ؛surface geology   ؛surfaceness   ؛symplectite   ؛symplektite   ؛synchronization   ؛syn-type
abbr., econ. sales   ؛surplus
abbr., el. siemens   ؛scale   ؛scattering parameter   ؛screen   ؛selection   ؛setup   ؛shared   ؛smectic   ؛smooth   ؛speech   ؛stylus   ؛supervisor   ؛supervisory   ؛supervisory function bit   ؛switching   ؛symmetrical   ؛small-to-middle-size subscriber line cross-connect module
abbr., electr.eng. secondary   ؛shunt-wound   ؛siemens   ؛electric conductance (MichaelBurov)   ؛unit equal to the conductance between two points of a conductor such that a potential of 1 volt between these points produces a current of 1 ampere (MichaelBurov)   ؛reciprocal ohm (MichaelBurov)
abbr., electr.eng., obs. mho (MichaelBurov)
abbr., electric. secondary winding
abbr., file.ext. Assembly language source code file   ؛Modula-3 Foreign assembly Source file   ؛OS/2 Spreadsheet   ؛Temporary sort file (Sprint)
abbr., fishery annual survival rate
abbr., genet. sensor site
abbr., geol. Silur (MichaelBurov)   ؛the Silurian (MichaelBurov)   ؛Silurian era (MichaelBurov)   ؛Silurian period (MichaelBurov)   ؛Silurian system (MichaelBurov)   ؛Silurian time (MichaelBurov)   ؛Silurian time period (MichaelBurov)   ؛Silurian age (MichaelBurov)
abbr., hydrol. salinity
abbr., insur. Shipping   ؛Steamer   ؛Summer freeboard mark   ؛summer load line
abbr., IT step   ؛switch
abbr., karate. survivability
abbr., lab.eq. Specimen
abbr., med. Salmonella   ؛Sandoz   ؛self   ؛senior   ؛sensitive   ؛Serratia   ؛Shigella   ؛sickle-cell   ؛side ports   ؛sigma   ؛smooth variant   ؛spleen   ؛Staphylococcus   ؛sterility gene   ؛Streptococcus   ؛supravergence   ؛sursumvergence   ؛surgical   ؛Svedberg unit   ؛synopsis   ؛synthesis   ؛thiouridine   ؛spheric (lens)   ؛saturation of hemoglobin (percentage of; followed by subscript o2 or co2)   ؛1 first selfing generation   ؛Svedberg (unit)   ؛In Electrocardiography, A Negative Deflection That Follows An R Wave (wave)   ؛Scleral (tumor Invasion)   ؛mark   ؛section   ؛Svedberg sedimentation unit   ؛Ser   ؛sU
abbr., med., conv.notation. entropion   ؛entropium   ؛piebald
abbr., med., lat. satis   ؛signa   ؛substratum
abbr., met. secondary cooling zone   ؛steel 钢
abbr., mil. Secret (security classification)   ؛survivability (Киселев)
abbr., missil. simply
abbr., nautic. starboard   ؛Summer Seawater (летняя морская вода (отметка на борте судна) Yuriy83)
abbr., O&G, sakh. study
abbr., oil sack   ؛saline   ؛sandy   ؛Saybolt seconds   ؛scalar   ؛scintillator   ؛seat   ؛sender   ؛serial   ؛sharpness   ؛shelf   ؛shilling   ؛shutter   ؛silk   ؛sill   ؛Silurian   ؛simplex   ؛sink   ؛skid   ؛slip   ؛slope   ؛society   ؛soil   ؛sol   ؛solid shaft   ؛south pole   ؛spar buoy   ؛specification   ؛spectrometer   ؛speculum   ؛spindle   ؛spool   ؛spring   ؛stability   ؛stack   ؛starch   ؛static   ؛statics   ؛steam   ؛sterical   ؛stokes   ؛stream   ؛street   ؛strength   ؛stress   ؛strobe   ؛stroke   ؛stromatopora   ؛styrene   ؛subordinate   ؛subsea   ؛substitute   ؛substrate   ؛summer loadline   ؛surface roughness   ؛surfactant   ؛suspended (well)   ؛synchronous   ؛system   ؛salite   ؛saturation   ؛shear wave   ؛square   ؛sulfur content   ؛surface area
abbr., phys. Poynting vector
abbr., physiol. Sinister   ؛Stumble
abbr., pigeon.race. Silver
abbr., plast. symmetrical structure
abbr., polit. South America
abbr., polym. singlet state   ؛secondary   ؛shearing force   ؛side   ؛silicone   ؛soft   ؛solid   ؛solubility   ؛soluble   ؛solute   ؛steric   ؛sulfur   ؛surface   ؛symmetrical   ؛unit stress
abbr., qual.cont. spare
abbr., scottish Siemens (conductivity)   ؛Sierra (phonetic alphabet)   ؛stoke (viscosity)   ؛Time zone 82.5 W - 97.5 W (GMT +6)
abbr., soil. steeply dissected
abbr., sport. sec., second   ؛shots   ؛shots on goal
abbr., tech. Sound (Insulation TheFellowShipper)   ؛square pattern
abbr., textile small, small-size
abbr., transp. health and safety
econ. split (dimock)
energ.ind., abbr. area or total exposed surface area for a finned surface   ؛ratio of cross-sectional velocities of steam and water   ؛sign   ؛solid   ؛steam-water slip ratio   ؛sulfur   ؛superficial   ؛surface   ؛surface area   ؛total exposed area for finned surface
int.transport. surcharge (rate classification)
invest. seal
meteorol., abbr. service   ؛signal   ؛smoke   ؛solar   ؛sound   ؛special   ؛speed   ؛stratus   ؛sun   ؛sunny   ؛superior air   ؛supply   ؛support   ؛second
mil. scout   ؛seaman   ؛seaplane   ؛secret   ؛security   ؛sergeant   ؛service   ؛set   ؛sharpshooter   ؛shell   ؛shelter   ؛ship   ؛squadron   ؛staff   ؛station   ؛stock   ؛submarine
railw., abbr. stock car
tech. secondary electrode   ؛sediment   ؛sharp   ؛shielded   ؛signal   ؛silicate   ؛silt loam   ؛simultaneous homing signal and/or voice   ؛solenoid   ؛solidus   ؛sonar   ؛sphere   ؛spin quantum number   ؛straight   ؛supplementary   ؛synchronism   ؛synchronizer   ؛action   ؛area   ؛entropy   ؛scattering coefficient   ؛science
tech., agrochem. saturation degree   ؛sum of bases
S. abbr.
abbr. signal   ؛share (Vosoni)   ؛society (Vosoni)   ؛Saint
abbr., bus.styl. bill of sale
abbr., commer. set   ؛standard   ؛store   ؛system
abbr., earth.sc. sandy   ؛school   ؛science   ؛sea   ؛secant   ؛secondary   ؛see   ؛seine   ؛selat   ؛sericite   ؛single   ؛stereo   ؛sungai   ؛symmetrical   ؛syn-type
abbr., econ. sale   ؛surplus   ؛shipment
abbr., lat. Sacrum ("sacred")   ؛Sanctus ("saint")   ؛Sepulchrum ("sepulchre")   ؛Situs ("placed")   ؛Suus ("his")
abbr., libr. saddle stitched   ؛senior   ؛subscription   ؛survey
abbr., med. sacral
abbr., mining. South   ؛stere   ؛switch
abbr., tech. second
abbr., textile silk
invest. section
mus. solo   ؛soprano
*S* abbr.
abbr., comp. Node Address Switch (Vosoni)
abbr., inet. Smile (Vosoni)
abbr., med. Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (Vosoni)   ؛no added sodium (Vosoni)
abbr., mil. Naval Air Station (Vosoni)
abbr., tech. National Academy of Sciences (Vosoni)
S/ abbr.
abbr., oil swab   ؛swabbed   ؛swabbing
abbr. chromatic dispersion slope
μS abbr.
abbr. microsecond
S$$ abbr.
abbr., IT Temporary sort file
&S abbr.
abbr., oil Sudanese Pound
abbr. stimulus Delta
S" abbr.
abbr. Saybolt seconds
S/- abbr.
abbr. Security Council
S- abbr.
abbr., med. γ-GT serum-γ-glutamyl transpeptidase
S\# abbr.
abbr., numism. Snow Number
S$ abbr.
abbr., oil Singapore dollars
s [es] abbr.
gen. s,sec
abbr. see   ؛selling price   ؛semi   ؛sensation   ؛separate   ؛series   ؛sign   ؛signature   ؛signed   ؛singular   ؛smoke generator   ؛solo   ؛soluble gelatine   ؛son   ؛specific   ؛specific gravity   ؛specific surface   ؛specimen   ؛spelling   ؛spherical   ؛spirit   ؛steel   ؛stimulus   ؛strange quark   ؛stratus   ؛sum   ؛summer   ؛surface   ؛surgeon   ؛s quark (MichaelBurov)   ؛s-quark (MichaelBurov)   ؛distance along a path   ؛compressibility   ؛cross section   ؛displacement   ؛neutron scattering (sub)   ؛sample   ؛sand   ؛stere
abbr., auto. saloon   ؛Saybolt viscosity   ؛seater   ؛sedan   ؛service class   ؛shift position switch   ؛snow mode   ؛soft mode   ؛sport mode   ؛sports   ؛suction   ؛sulfur or sulphur
abbr., avia. semi-span
abbr., busin. salvage   ؛seller   ؛share   ؛stare   ؛suit
abbr., chem. polysiloxane   ؛spectrometer method
abbr., commer. scruple
abbr., earth.sc. siderite
abbr., electric. shunt wound winding
abbr., med. serovare   ؛serum   ؛smallpox   ؛spine   ؛statical   ؛half   ؛steady state (SUBSCRIPT)   ؛left   ؛sine   ؛without
abbr., med., lat. sive   ؛semis
abbr., oil seconds   ؛sedimentary   ؛sediments   ؛shallow   ؛slippage   ؛suture
abbr., phys. specific entropy
abbr., quant.mech. strange quark (MichaelBurov)
abbr., typogr. saddle-stitched book
agric. surgery   ؛survey
biol. sacral   ؛sensitivity   ؛sire   ؛smooth (bacterial colony)   ؛species   ؛stem
cartogr. stone
econ. shares
electr.eng. synchronoscope
law summary
mining. secondary
mus. subject
O&G segregation   ؛skin   ؛skin effect   ؛solution   ؛stabilization   ؛surrounding formation   ؛swept region
spectr. singlet (сокращение, принятое при характеристике спектра ЯМР. В отечественной практике функционирует аналогичное сокращение - "с." (синглет) Min$draV)
s. abbr.
abbr. seal   ؛seller   ؛series   ؛signature   ؛signed   ؛somma grande   ؛statute   ؛successor   ؛suit   ؛sand   ؛semi   ؛shear   ؛shielded   ؛short   ؛single-silk covered   ؛slip   ؛slow   ؛sterling   ؛Stoke   ؛straight   ؛subject   ؛surface   ؛symmetric
abbr., earth.sc. scruple   ؛sharpness   ؛solid   ؛soluble   ؛speed   ؛surface area
abbr., econ. service   ؛shilling (s)   ؛schooner   ؛stock
abbr., electric. shunt   ؛synchronoscope
abbr., libr. sign   ؛small
abbr., math. sine
abbr., phys. spin quantum number
econ. shilling (Seregaboss)
lat. Salutem ("salute")
S in the International System of Units SI [es] abbr.
abbr., unit.meas. siemens (MichaelBurov)   ؛electric conductance (MichaelBurov)   ؛electric susceptance SI (MichaelBurov)   ؛electric admittance SI (MichaelBurov)   ؛unit equal to the conductance between two points of a conductor such that a potential of 1 volt between these points produces a current of 1 ampere (MichaelBurov)   ؛reciprocal ohm (MichaelBurov)
abbr., unit.meas., obs. mho (MichaelBurov)
abbr. hospitable (Isaev)
/s/ abbr.
abbr., bus.styl. signed
s- abbr.
abbr., chem. secondary   ؛syn-
@@n. s. abbr.
abbr., econ. not specified
ρs abbr.
abbr., el. surface resistivity
SN/P [es] abbr.
abbr., med. Specialist in Neuropathology
δs abbr.
abbr., sport. standard error of δ
S/s abbr.
abbr., econ. shilling (s)
n. s. abbr.
abbr., econ. not specified
Ψs abbr.
abbr., el. surface potential function
SO [es] abbr.
abbr., med. specialist in Ophthalmology
σs abbr.
abbr., met. yield stress (point)
st [es] abbr.
O&G seismic pulse
: 2204 phrases in 74 subjects
Animal husbandry7
Antennas and waveguides2
Cables and cable production1
Chemical fibers4
Corporate governance16
Electric machinery1
Electric motors9
Electric traction4
Electricity generation1
Fish farming pisciculture1
Fishery fishing industry6
Food industry1
Food service and catering3
Health care5
International Monetary Fund92
Knitted goods2
Laboratory equipment5
Lighting other than cinema12
Milk production9
Name of organization37
Oil / petroleum5
Pest control8
Power lines2
Professional jargon4
Rail transport4
Remote sensing4
Soil science1
Sound recording2
United Nations27
Vacuum tubes2
Veterinary medicine28
Water resources1
Wood processing7