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noun | verb | verb | to phrases
delete [dɪ'li:t] n
gen. شطب   ؛حذف
med. يحذف
Delete [dɪ'li:t] v
comp., MS حذف (A button, option, or other UI element that permanently removes the selected text or objects)
delete [dɪ'li:t] v
comp., MS يحذف (To eliminate text, a file, or part of a document with the intention of removing the information permanently)
econ. محا   ؛ألغى
 English thesaurus
delete [dɪ'li:t] abbr.
abbr. del
abbr., auto. DEL/del
abbr., avia. DELE
abbr., progr. delete operator (Ключевое слово C++. Обозначает оператор, используемый для "уничтожения" объектов, т.е. возврата ранее отведенной им динамической памяти)
: 9 phrases in 1 subject