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gen. replica
comp., MS replica
el. second strike
law answer
meteorol. aftershock
patents. response; counter-declaration; rejoinder; rebutter
stat. replicate
| virtual
inet. virtual
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
réplica f
gen. replica
comp., MS replica (A complete copy of protected data residing on a single volume on the DPM server. A replica is created for each protected data source after it is added to its protection group. With co-location, multiple data sources can have their replicas residing on the same replica volume)
law answer (to a complaint, a una demanda)
meteorol. aftershock
patents. response; counter-declaration; rejoinder; rebutter
stat. replicate n.
UN, law answer
réplica nuclear f
el. second strike
réplica v
chem. replicate laboratory sample; replicate sample
inet. mirroring; mirror
math. replication
polit., law reply
replicar v
gen. retort; rejoin 128 ; answer back 128
comp., MS join (To create an additional replica of an existing ADAM configuration set during setup)
law to enter the opposition; answer
replicarse v
health., nat.sc. replicate
Replica virtual: 1 phrase in 1 subject