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Coordinated | joint
social.sc. joint; mooter; splint; stick
action | to
biotechn. ovulation rate
industr. construct. tow-to-top machine
gen. coughing
achieve objectives by units tactical formations | and
nucl.phys. non destructive assay
major formations of the armed forces various arms of the service elements in the battle deployment | and
nucl.phys. non destructive assay
various types of weapon relative | to
health. cough
missions targets axes | lines
econ. flax
or | areas
forestr. area
| times
gen. cheat
| and
nucl.phys. non destructive assay
methods of execution Cooperation may | be
chem. Be 2
strategic operational or tactical depending on its scale Strategic cooperation consists of coordinated | joint
social.sc. joint
action by large force groupings conducting operations in one or | more
health. bruise
theatres or on one or | more
health. bruise
strategic axes in order | to
health. cough
achieve the aim of | a
comp. at
strategic operation or | a
comp. at
| war
inet. warez
| as
corp.gov. service agreement
| a
comp. at
whole In wars fought by coalitions there may also | be
chem. Be 2
strategic cooperation among the armed forces of allied states | and
nucl.phys. non destructive assay
their | individual
gen. individual
force groupings involved in | a
comp. at
| joint
social.sc. joint
operation in | a
comp. at
| continental
gen. continental
or maritime theatre of operations Operational cooperation consists of coordinated | joint
social.sc. joint
operations along one or | more
health. bruise
adjacent operational axes conducted by operational or operational tactical formations from the various armed forces | and
nucl.phys. non destructive assay
arms of the service including multinational forces in order | to
health. cough
achieve | an
soil. andosol
operational or tactical objective Tactical cooperation is | a
comp. at
coordinated | joint
social.sc. joint
action by formations | and
nucl.phys. non destructive assay
units either among themselves or with adjacent units | to
health. cough
achieve | a
comp. at
common goal
- only individual words found