
   French English
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translation from other languages
comp. Internet
agric. clean
chem. sharp; precise
coal. salable; salable output; saleable; tonnes salable; vend
fin. net
| migration
econ. migration
| rate
welf. spleen
- only individual words found

to phrases
net m
agric. clean
chem. sharp; precise; acrid
coal. salable; salable output; saleable; tonnes salable; vend
fin. net
nat.sc., agric. clear
Net m
comp. Internet
 French thesaurus
Net. abbr.
abbr., mil. neutralisation
NET abbr.
abbr., telecom. Norme Européenne de Télécommunications
NETS abbr.
abbr., IT Normes Européennes de Télécommunication
net migration
: 5 phrases in 4 subjects
Immigration and citizenship1
Pharmacy and pharmacology2