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translation from other languages
chem. examination; survey
environ. detection; detection
med. indagation
mil. logist. surveillance
patents. research
| service
econ. service
- only individual words found

to phrases
investigation f
chem. examination; survey
environ. detection The act or process of discovering evidence or proof of governmental, legal or ethical violations; detection
med. indagation
mil., logist. surveillance (mener une)
patents. research
transp., avia., engl. investigation
 French thesaurus
investigation mener une f
mil., logist. Action, de portée et de durée limitée, qui consiste à rechercher des renseignements d’ordre tactique ou technique sur un point ou une zone particulière, par l’observation et sans engager le combat. FRA
investigation service: 1 phrase in 1 subject