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gen. Switzerland Tourism; ST
Louis Gunners
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ST abbr.
gen. Switzerland Tourism; ST
comp., MS SUT (A system that is being tested for correct operation)
 French thesaurus
ST abbr.
gen. somatotrophine (vleonilh)
abbr., avia. Services techniques; servo-tab
abbr., forestr. surface terrière
abbr., O&G. tech. surtension; surface totale
biol. seuil de toxicité (vleonilh)
mech.eng. sens transversal
st abbr.
abbr., agric. stabilité structurale; stockes
abbr., avia. stratus
abbr., O&G. tech. station
hydr. stokes
tech. stoke; stère
St abbr.
abbr., med. saint
abbr., mil. soldat
mech.eng. surface totale; stokes
st. abbr.
abbr., agric. stratus; stère
tech. station
Sᵗ abbr.
abbr., mil. soldat
°ST abbr.
abbr., food.ind. Stammergrad
St. abbr.
abbr., mil. soldat
St Louis: 4 phrases in 2 subjects
Veterinary medicine1