
   German English
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gen. Technische Hochschule
| Community
comp., MS community
shall | carry
gen. carried interest
| out
inf. passe
| its
comp., MS information systems
transp. intermodal transport unit
| task
comp., MS task
with | a
 празäничная толпа
gen. festive crowd
| limited
abbr. ltd.
| measure
comp., MS measure
of | intervention
econ. intervention
- only individual words found

noun | adjective | noun | to phrases
TH f
gen. Technische Hochschule
th adj.
tech. 1 unit of heat or megacalorie
 German thesaurus
TH f
gen. Thailand
aerodyn. Tiefgang am Heck
avia. Darmstadt Technische Hochschule Darmstadt
el. technische Hochschule
mil. Technischer Halt; Tidenhub
sport. Tennishalle
Th n
gen. Thorium; Tierhaare
anat. Brustwirbel (Лорина)
econ. Hilfszeit
mil., abbr. Wassertiefe nach Handlot
railw. Fernschreibhauptverbindung
textile Tierhaar
Th. n
mil. Thermometer; Thermometerstand; Thermostat
abbr., nautic. Theodolit
th abbr.
abbr., math. Tangens hyperbolicus
ther. adj.
mil., abbr. therapeutisch
the Community: 4 phrases in 4 subjects