
   German English
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gen. booth; class; level; profession; rank; social standing
| off
comp. off
- only individual words found

noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
Stand m -(e)s, Stände
gen. booth; class; level; profession; stall; stand; standing position; state; estate; stage
agr. soil medium fertility
agric. stable; cattle stand; pen; box (im Stall)
athlet. stand (judges at the finish, timekeepers, Zielrichter, Zeitnehmer)
commun. error; state (clock); setting; timing (difference (DLR))
construct. station; post
econ. footing; order; place; standing
fin. balance on an account
law, ADR pitch (e-s Straßenhändlers); post (in e-r Wertpapierbörse)
tech. condition; degree; hold; position; present state; reading; situation; standard; status; ground; platform
work.fl., IT, social.sc. rank
zoot. box; bail
Stände m
polit. states
sozialer Stand m
gen. rank; social standing; status
Stand v -(e)s, Stände
agric. milking space; milking stall
fin. balance (on an account)
stehen v
gen. become; stand; to be stationary
tech. represent; restrict; say
Stände v
gen. boothes; booths; levels; status groups
Steh- v
econ. standard
steht v
gen. be in place (ist hergestellt, ist fertig gestellt, ist gegeben)
Standes- adj.
econ. professional
 German thesaurus
Stand. m
mil. Standardisierung
stand-off: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Information technology1