
   German English
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translation from other languages
gen. kit; place mat
econ. set
med.appl. instrumentation set; set of instruments
agric. setae
of | components
tech. cooling system
of | a
 празäничная толпа
gen. festive crowd
polyphase | linear
gen. in-line
- only individual words found

noun | noun | to phrases
Set m n -s, -s
gen. kit; place mat
econ. set
med.appl. instrumentation set; set of instruments
Sets m
gen. place mats
Sets Platzdeckchen aus Papier n
gen. place mats of paper
Seten n
agric. setae
 German thesaurus
SET abbr.
abbr., BrE Single-Electron Transistor
set of: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Artificial intelligence1