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 преф. Median-
nucl.phys. median
agric. median value
busin. median
comp., MS median
pharma. engl. Median
stat. median of a distribution; median location
stat. tech. sample median
med. average; median
| signal
mining. command
- only individual words found

noun | adjective | to phrases
Median m
comp., MS median (The middle value in a set of ordered numbers. The median value is determined by choosing the smallest value such that at least half of the values in the set are no greater than the chosen value. If the number of values within the set is odd, the median value corresponds to a single value. If the number of values within the set is even, the median value corresponds to the sum of the two middle values divided by two); median value (The middle value in a set of ordered numbers. The median value is determined by choosing the smallest value such that at least half of the values in the set are no greater than the chosen value. If the number of values within the set is odd, the median value corresponds to a single value. If the number of values within the set is even, the median value corresponds to the sum of the two middle values divided by two)
stat. median of distribution
Median adj.
agric. median value
busin. median
pharma., engl. Median
stat. median of a distribution; median location
stat., tech. sample median
median adj.
med. average; median
pharma., el. medial
преф. Median- adj.
nucl.phys. median
median: 49 phrases in 11 subjects
Health care3
Nuclear physics3
Pharmacy and pharmacology2