
   German English
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social.sc. cannon
health. intravenous drug abuse; intravenous drug user
social.sc. hard-core addict
gen. smart; permanently; fixed; quickly
inf. quick
inf. BrE sharpish
| in
gen. go-go
| a
 празäничная толпа
gen. festive crowd
| wall
gen. waved
- only individual words found

noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
Fixe m
social.sc. nail; needle; point; sharp; spike
fixen v
gen. be on the needle (Drogen nehmen); fix; sell bear; shoot drugs (Drogen nehmen)
slang to mainline
social.sc. sell a bear; speculate for a fall
st.exch. sell short
fixt v
gen. mainlines; sells bear
fixen Drogen nehmen v
gen. to be on the needle; shoot drugs
slang fix
fixte v
gen. mainlined
fixend v
gen. mainlining; selling bear
fixte v
gen. sold bear
fixen ugs. : Drogen nehmen v
inf. shoot drugs
fixen Börse v
gen. bear
fixen adj.
econ. seil short
econ., amer. go short
st.exch. bear; bear the market; bear the stocks
fix adj.
gen. smart; fixed; quickly
econ. fixed (Kapital, Kosten)
inf. quick
inf., BrE sharpish
Fixe adj.
social.sc. cannon
Fixer adj.
health. intravenous drug abuse; intravenous drug user
Fixerin adj.
social.sc. hard-core addict
fix österr. : fest adj.
gen. permanently
Fixen adj.
st.exch., amer. short selling
fix in a wall
: 2 phrases in 1 subject