
   German English
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translation from other languages
gen. export-strength beer
commer. export; exportation
fin. exports
tech. export; exportation
gen. export
gen. exportations; exports; export
| in
gen. go-go
excess of | imports
gen. importation
- only individual words found

to phrases
Export [ɛksˈpɔʁt] m m -(e)s, -e
agric. removal; carting away; hauling out
commer. export; exportation
comp. exporting
econ. export sales
fin. exports
tech. export; exportation
Exporte m
gen. exportations; exports; export
account. exports of goods and services
Export- m
gen. export
Export Bier [ɛksˈpɔʁt] m
gen. export-strength beer
-> auch export Export [ɛksˈpɔʁt] m
econ. exportation
exports in excess of imports
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
International Monetary Fund2