
   German English
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gen. height at the withers; height to withers; withers height
applied | to
econ. dried; frozen; intrust; lost; sought; understood
materiel items that | form
gen. formed
| an
gen. at
| integral
arts. integral
| part
gen. roles
of | the
tech. 1 unit of heat or megacalorie
- only individual words found

noun | noun | adjective | to phrases
WH f
gen. height at the withers; height to withers; withers height
 German thesaurus
WH abbr.
abbr. Wirtschaftshochschule; Warszawa (Лорина); Wachstumshormon (4uzhoj)
wh. abbr.
abbr. wohnhaft (norbek rakhimov)
aerodyn. wahre
Wh. n
mil. Wirtshaus
Wh abbr.
abbr. Wattstunde; Wiederholung
WH abbr.
abbr. Winterhalbjahr
abbr., telecom. weiß (IEC 757)
wh. abbr.
abbr. wechselhaft; wiederholt
Wh. abbr.
abbr. Wiederholung; Wohnhaus
When: 6 phrases in 3 subjects