
   German English
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translation from other languages
gen. user
| Systems
gen. system
busin. framework
comp. system software
earth.sc. mech.eng. system
IMF. scheme
refrig. system; thermodynamic system
tech. method; plan
| and
tech. steel industry
| Services
tech. service
| Division
med. divisio
- only individual words found

noun | noun | to phrases
User m
gen. user
 German thesaurus
US abbr.
abbr., commun. Unterstation
abbr., engl. United States
abbr., insur. Unfallschaden
abbr., quant.el. Unterhaltssicherung
Us abbr.
abbr., meas.inst. Umdrehung je Sekunde
User Systems and Services Division
: 1 phrase in 1 subject